The sacred day in the Hindu mythology Thursday, was Kartika Pournima was celebrated with fervor across the Nation. Millions took bath in the holy river Ganges in Rishikesh and Haridwar. Most Indians across the country take bath in the rivers in their vicinity to mark the celebrations of the day.
The important aspect of this day had flooded all the temples in the country with the women folks lighting the Kartika Jwala or the Kartika Deepam. The whole day was celebrated with ecstasy and reverence.
But Haridwar is the most famous destination for chaste Hindus, as the name of the city suggests Gateway to Gods. A dip at Haridwar, one of the holiest spots along the Ganges' 2,000-km-long journey from the Himalayas to the Bay of Bengal, is considered auspicious. Hindus believe that bathing in the sacred river washes away their sins.
About River Ganges: River Ganga holds great importance in the economic, social and cultural life of the Indian people in general and Hindus in particular. The river is lifeline of the most sacred river of Hindu India. It originates as the Bhagirathi River from the Gangotri Glacier which lies at altitude in the Uttaranchal Himalaya Mountains to the north of India and it joins the Alaknanda River near the town of Deoprayag to form the Ganga.
About Kartika Pournima: According to Mahabharata there were three sons born to the demon Taraka. They were Taraksha, Kamalaksha and Vidyunmali, and they were torturing the three worlds. The three ruled from three cities. At the end of a thousand years of their negative rule, the gods went to Rudra (Shiva) and asked him to destroy the demon. Rudra had to seek the help of Brahma and the other gods in this task. He danced Tandava, his dance of destruction. He rocked the three cities with his dance and his arrow pierce through the three demons at one time and the fire from his third eye burnt the three cities. In commemoration of burning and destroying the demons and their cities, this event, which occurred on Kartika Pournima day, is observed annually. To celebrate this day bathe our mind in the spiritual waters even if we do not live near sacred rivers. Allow the spiritual light to burn away all the questionable traits within, like greed, anger and ego.