After the main accused in the 2G Spectrum case Mr A. Raja concluded his arguments on Wednesday in the special CBI Court at Delhi seeking to implicate the Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh and the then Finance Minister P. Chidambaram with a plea to make Chidambaram a witness in the case, former Telecom Secretary Siddhartha Behura began his arguments today opposing the charges made against him.
Senior advocate Aman Lekhi, appearing for Mr. Behura, told the special CBI court that there was no evidence against Behura in the case. “Behura was only a civil servant and had no role to play in the scam. He just implemented the Government’s policy,” said the counsel.
Mr. Behura, accused of criminal conspiracy, cheating, forgery and criminal misconduct, was arrested on February 2, 2011 for his alleged involvement in the 2G scam. He was also cooling his heels in the Tihar jail along with the main accused in the scam Mr A. Raja and others.