Mr Vikramaditya Singh, 34, owner of Orion Telecom Networks in Delaware in the Arizona state of the US and son-in-law of the north India based Rastriya Lok Dal leader Ajit Singh, was sentenced to 6 months of home confinement by the District Chief Judge Gregory M Sleet after he was caught in a sting operation selling sensitive military grade micro wave radios to Iran.
The sting operation was conducted by the Philadelphia Homeland security under cover agents following the arrest of Iranian Arms broker Amir Ardebili. Singh was also fined an amount of $ 1 lakh.
On November 23, 2010, Singh pleaded guilty to the selling of the military equipment without the required authorization from the Office of Foreign Asset Control, Department of the Treasury.
In India, the family members of Ajit Singh said that Mr Vikramaditya was not aware of the consignments being dispatched to Iran.