CPI state secretary Narayana has lashed out at the Centre for dilly-dallying on Telangana issue. He has vented out his anger against MP s from Telangana region alleging that T MP s were taking advantage of the situation. Also, he said MP s were not determined to solve the issue. Talking on RLD supremo and civil aviation minister Ajit Singh setting up its unit in Telangana and backing the statehood for Telangana region, Narayana has said that many people were trying to enjoy the fruits of Telangana and Ajit Singh was one among them.
It may be recalled that Ajit Singh on Sunday formed Rashtriya Lok Dal executive committee for Telangana and declared that he backed the demand for Telangana state. He made this announcement after he, along with his son, Jayant Chowdhary attended a breakfast meet at MP Madhu Yaskhi's residence. Also, present there were JAC chairman Kodandaram and Hyderabad MP Asaduddin Owaisi.
(AW Phani)