Book reading a really good habit that not only makes you learn n number of things and sometimes get inspired by these in turn transform your personality to better, but also improves you as a person.
The same logic applies in case of kids as well. Those kids who are lot into reading starting from stories to novels to those write ups that are inspirational, tend to gain a lot of knowledge. To be one amongst 100, kids need to put on that extra interest to gain knowledge apart from syllabus. It is YOU who should see to that your kids are getting transformed as best individuals.
Now the biggest question is how to inculcate the habit of book reading in your kids… making them read their class books itself is a big task for you…
Well, here are some tips for you to follow and inculcate the book reading habit in your kids;
Find out those books that are not complicated and full of knowledge only, instead gift your kids those books that have much knowledge in an entertaining way. Like with pictures, cartoons and you know, just colorful like kids. Ask them to read these books and give their opinion on how is it, so that you can also read it. Let them read, analyze and judge what they have read. Instead of asking questions like you are inspecting them, put questions as if you do not know that particular aspect and you want them to explain you. This is definitely the best way to develop the habit of book reading in your kids, that too with an enthusiasm.
Let the book you choose for them be fun filled and informative at the same time. You never let them know you want to inculcate the habit of reading in them. Just like any other activity on a holiday or for them to take a break from their regular studies, book reading is the hobby for them.
Ask your kid to read louder. It is not that you are keeping a check on them; it is because you want to know what is written in the book as well. This makes your kid to read and learn what ever read with enthusiasm.