Be happy.... make happy...

June 27, 2012 12:24
Be happy.... make happy...

Many people have been asking lately HOW they can possibly stay positive with the world seemingly struggling every day. I have come up with seven ways to do so. I encourage and invite my readers to pipe in with their own as well as submit comments on mine.

Limit your News (Watching/Reading/Listening)

Yes, we can recognize that these are very difficult times for many and that the world economy is uncertain. Watching 3 hours of news or checking the stock market every 2 hours will not change that. Talking about HOW BAD it all is and watching as the news makes everything seem broken will not help you feel good. “The News” makes it all worse and the more you watch and talk about how bad things are the worse you will feel. Yes, I believe you can be informed but 5 minutes daily is more than enough to catch up and move on. If you feel “I HAVE to get MORE news” - why not try a site like “New Earth Daily,” “Happy News” or “Good News is News” instead and see how that affects your daily life? There are always POSITIVE things going on in the world - unfortunately that is not what mass media concentrates on.

Appreciate and Take Part in FREE Activities

The Local library is a place to borrow free books and movies and to also be a part of your community.
A walk to get some sun on your face and be with nature is an amazing way to shift your mood. I grew up in NYC and a walk in a park always put a smile on my face. Now that I live in the country I find it essential for my well being to get out and get moving!

Reading is always a good way to feel transported. Get a book from the library or swap books with friends for free and enjoyable reading experiences.

Gain some affirmations and/or quotes that you can say when you find yourself getting “off track”.

“When you Change the Way you Look at things the Things you Look at Change“

“You must realize everyone is doing the best they can from their own state of consciousness“

“You Have Enough, You Do Enough, You ARE Enough“

HELP Others

Whether it is promoting and spreading awareness of wonderful causes like Train for Humanity or getting old clothes together and bringing them to the Salvation Army — there are an unlimited number of ways to GIVE to others. Helping others will fill you with joy. As you give and you are promoting kindness and spreading love. There is always someone that can use help and it does not always have to be monetary help. Take a look around your house and see what you can get rid of — guaranteed there are people that can put whatever you find to good use. I wrote a post a while back “Heal Yourself by Helping Others” that also highlights ways to help that don’t cost a thing.

Take CARE of Yourself Physically

When people get upset or overwhelmed there is a tendency to "take the easy way" from moment to moment. While a 25 Rupees McDonalds meal might SEEM easier than a grocery trip and making dinner... it will NOT help you in the long run. While bypassing exercise to get in that extra work or to "catch up on news" might SEEM like a better option- you NEED to be moving and taking care of yourself. While sleep may seem like a luxury with “so much to do” it is essential that your body gets the rest it needs to be strong and cope with stress better. While reminding yourself to drink water might be "the last thing on your mind”-drinking water flushes out toxins and is essential for health and in most cases is FREE. Little shifts and being mindful of how you are treating your physical body will enable your emotional body to stay strong and resilient.

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