Oxford University in London made an interesting observation that people are showing interest in reading online news covered by websites. Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism (RISJ) conducted survey on 11000 web users in the Countries of Britain, America, Denmark, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Brazil and Japan and found out that most of them are willing to pay for the online news.
They are turning to mobiles for reading online news now. It is free on internet. But they do not mind to pay for getting news on their mobile.
The famous social network service provider Facebook is trying to cash in on the new trend. It is planning for a news delivery service on Fb. Wall Street Journal says that the mobile application will be attractively designed to flip by swiping to get a new article. Face book also studied that the Fb users on mobile are more compared to that of on net. As the android and other smart phones have become popular, the news reaches to the pocket immediately. As the phone has become un-separable nowadays, aiming to hit it with news is a smart idea as experts say.