No matter in what domain we are working, communication has become mandatory at work place... we do our bit to improve our communication for a better work flow with others as well… get some more expert advice on how to improve communication at work place;
When communication flows through a company, knowledge is shared, achievements are celebrated and issues are addressed. When a company does not communicate well, information silos develop, with individual departments unaware of the happenings in the rest of the organization. The result is often poor customer service, low morale and reduced productivity. There is plenty of incentive for companies to ensure that the lines of communication are open throughout an organization. Creating a a strong communication network does not have to be difficult.
Intranet Site
An important tool in creating a communication-friendly organization is the development of an intranet site. A password protected site is perfect for sharing broadcast-type messages to the entire company, such as promotions, new products and success stories. It is also a great place to provide information regarding dress codes, vacations and extra-curricular staff activities. It becomes the central repository of all types of shared information, making it available on-demand to anyone seeking specific information about their company. Intranet sites are easy to develop using off-the-shelf tools and can be updated with new information easily.
Face-to-Face Meetings
In an age of rapid-fire emails, text messages and omnipresent smartphones, every employee is inundated with short bursts of information. What is often missing is context and a deeper understanding of the issues affecting the company. In fact, Inc. Magazine reports that a study by University of California, Los Angeles psychology professor Albert Mehrabian found that 55 percent of meaning in an interaction comes from facial and body language and 38 percent comes from vocal inflection. Only 7 percent of an interaction's meaning is derived from the words themselves. When complicated messages are reduced to text, much of the meaning is lost. One way to avoid this issue is to reinstate regularly scheduled staff meetings in which strategies, new opportunities and challenges are explored, ensuring everyone fully understands the company's position.
Communication Framework
One important aspect of creating an open communication environment is to link communication among employees as a measurable goal during performance reviews. The mechanics will change by role, but information technology professionals might be expected to share research information with other members of the team, human resources professionals might be expected to share information on promotions and hires on the company's intranet site and sales staff may be expected to share their ongoing leads with other salesmen. By codifying expectations for specific sharing of information, a company shows the importance it places on all communications.