What is right? What is wrong? Any final judgment made on this as we can bluntly follow by saying, ‘Yes, this is right’ or ‘No, this is wrong and we are not supposed to do it’. Every one of us would have our own equations in our life. Based on the same we think or not think. Do or not do each act. To some extent, this is okay. But, do you think this theory of life would be applicable to the matters related to heart?
Well, let’s relate to a age old situation of two friends developing a bondage with each other, yet try hiding their emotions and behave as if everything is most normal…
This situation would be more complicated and difficult to handle when either or both of these friends are already in a committed relationship with their own partner.
Now, why does any friendship would tend to cross that thin line and gets into liking each other? May be because of the quality of time spent with each other, sharing the emotions and thoughts, gelling so very well with each other, all these put together would make you develop that sense of liking on your friend, irrespective of your relationship status of being committed with another person. The first thought that comes into your mind after discovering the fact you like being with your friend is, ‘Oh! No. I should slowly cut down on my friendship. This can lead to any extent and I would end up in a mess’.
Why? Why do you think of ending your friendship in a odd situation? Being friends with someone itself is a indication that you like that person, so you both are friends now. And if the same friendship increase due to several meetings and communicating a lot that too in a very high frequency, match of the mindset, your friend respecting your thoughts and you liking the same, you being comfortable in his company, spending some quality time with each other would obviously create that sense of belongingness and even without your consent, you both or atleast you would start liking him/her.
Now, what’s a big deal in this Man? There are many relations in our life that is not commitment oriented and would end up building a physical intimacy as well. So what if you are friends with opposite sex? So what if you like him? it is not a crime. It is neither un ethical unless and until you know your priorities and to what extent you want this friendship to go. And it is even not necessary you would end up thinking of being physically intimate with your friend. To what to think and to what not is definitely based on the clarity that you possess on your relationship.
So, rather than jumping into conclusions and ending relationships, be matured, understand even you are a human being and also understand liking someone is quite but natural. Of course, though we possess animal instinct in us, we are matured enough to where to draw a line and define each relationship in our lives.
Don’t judge, instead understand the instinct of your emotion!
SunayanaVinay Kumar