All of us might have visited our friends and relatives, staying at different places. Are we bothering about our behavior as guests? Our behavior signifies our dignity and self-esteem. There is a saying, -Guest in house is a God in house-. It is believed that we are blessed with God to have guests at home. The guests should behave properly so that they would be invited again and again, by the family.
The guest should first inform about his arrival and also should be aware of the program of hosts. He should not make a visit, when there is a problem in the family or somebody is ill. If it comes to his notice at the last moment, he could make alternate arrangements for staying outside. If the hosts want to spend time with the guest, they could show their feelings by the gestures. If the hosts talk well, listen to him, entertain him and make him feel at home, then he could plan for a stay there.
The guest should greet all the family members with love and affection, as soon as he enters the house. He should follow the household rules of the hosts. He should not try to behave in a manner as he behaves in his house. He has to inform them his program and duration of visit, as soon as he enters. It could be helpful for the hosts, to adjust their program. He may get up very early in the morning, hear radio or TV with much noise or he may talk aloud or laugh aloud. He should control himself and make less noise, when he is a guest. He should help the hosts in the kitchen and household works. It is not a hotel for just sitting and ordering. He could ask them to prepare simple food.
He should invite them while going out for sightseeing and shopping. He should spend money for them while going out. He should not interfere in the family matters of the hosts. He should not take one side and support somebody in the family. Moving with some members and avoiding others, in a family should be avoided. He should not take freedom to enter the kitchen and eat whatever he wants. He should not try to repair anything, without their consent.
When the guests take the kids with them, they should train the children properly how to behave politely there. The basic manners such as greeting the elders, saying -thanks- if somebody helps us and -sorry- if we do something wrong are to be taught them. Moreover, they should be taught to help others. They should not enter bedroom or touch/use the personal things without getting permission. They should not abuse or scold anybody. They should inform the parents whatever they need. They should not try to pack things of hosts, before returning.
The guests could take some photos with the hosts, to share the sweet memories. Before leaving, he should give small presents to all the family members. Behaving as a guest is really a social skill which should be practiced by everybody. Best wishes for being a good guest and win appreciation of hosts