The apt direction for constructing children's room is west. Apart from that, west, northwest, northeast and southeast directions can also be used for constructing kids' room. Totally avoid the southwest direction.
In a kid's room, the bed can be placed in the southwest corner. Place the bed in such a way that your child has his/ her head facing the east or south direction, while sleeping.
As a part of Vastu guidelines for children room, it is recommended to avoid placing the mirror on the opposite side of the bed.
If you want to keep furniture items in a children’s room, keep them a few inches away from the wall. Don't have the furniture attached to the wall, as it obstructs the flow of positive energy.
The study desk should be placed in such a manner that the child faces east, north or northeast corner while studying. East is the most appropriate direction, as it paves way for enhanced concentration.
Avoid placing a television or computer directly opposite the bed. The television set or the computer monitor, when switched off, reflects the bed, just like a mirror, and is a bad omen.
If you must have a mirror and a television in the bedroom, have them either on the left or the right side of the bed.
The door to children’s room should not be exactly opposite to the bed. Rather, try placing it an angle from the door.
Sharp edges and pointing nooks comprise of something that is better avoided in children's room.
The center of kids' room should always be empty. Try to avoid placing something in there.
The almirahs and cabinets should always be located in south or west direction of the room.
Up-lighters, when placed in the southeast corner of children’s room, help promote health and generate positive energy.
Sharp lights as well as spot lights should never ever be used in kids' room, as they tend to create mental strain.
The doors as well as windows of children's room are best designed in the east or north. The windows should be opposite to the door.
Green color proves the best for kids' room, as it is associated with freshness and peace and increases brain power as well.