Every Woman Must Plan a Solo Travel:- Solo traveling is not a perfect one for many as most of them cannot handle most of the things during their travel time. Communication, booking tickets, finding the right hotel, getting a cab is not an easy thing for everyone. But, reading articles online and communicating with some women solo travelers can kill these doubts and can bring enough confidence in many. The number of solo women travelers in the recent years took a toll and went higher.
With the globe accessible for everyone, the world is a smaller place and women are traveling to all the corners of the world. Since 2015, there has been 45% increase in the solo women travelers. Jessica Nabongo is in plans to be the first black woman to visit every country and she already covered 178 out of the 195 countries till date. Women have faced sexual assault and unwanted attention but taking precautions can leave them out of danger. As per the current statistics, solo women travelers may soon even cross the percentage of solo men travelers.