As such, we get you a lot of information about each and every aspect related to our look and skin, each day. Today, let us know about skin scaling and how to get rid of this problem.
There are n numbers of reasons for our skin to suffer from scaling. In some cases, this scaling could be when your skin is affected with a type of Psoriasis. In some more situations, this scaling could be your skin not taking the weather conditions and reacting to the extreme climatic conditions. Be it because of the skin problem or this issue could be as normal as your skin reacting to the nature, you can follow the following tips to get rid of skin scaling, along with the regular medication;
Apply cocoa or shea butter to your skin. These natural butters are deeply hydrating and provide necessary moisture to dry, scaly skin. You can find these butters in most beauty supply and drug stores.
Exfoliate your skin. Scaly skin often features dry, dead skin cells on its surface. You can remove these dead cells and stimulate new cell production with regular exfoliation. Use a body or facial scrub on the area two to three times weekly.
Use olive oil on your scaly skin. This home remedy is very rich, leaving skin smooth and soft. Rub olive oil directly onto your scaly skin, allowing it to fully soak in.
Drink lots of water daily. To keep skin hydrated, you must moisturize from the inside out. Try to consume at least 64 ounces of water daily to avoid scaly skin.
Wash your scaly skin with tepid water. Hot water leaches moisture from skin and worsens scaly skin. Use only lukewarm water to cleanse your skin.
Rub hydrocortisone cream onto your scaly skin. Hydrocortisone cream is a corticosteroid cream used to treat dry, irritated and inflamed skin. Apply daily for best results. (Note: Check with your physician or dermatologist to make sure this will not interfere with any other medications you may be taking.)
Use a sunscreen daily. The sun's rays damage scaly skin, making it dryer. Protect your skin from the sun by wearing protective clothing and covering all exposed skin in a broad-spectrum sunscreen.
See your dermatologist. If your scaly skin doesn't improve within a few days, it may be a sign of an underlying skin condition. Your dermatologist will be able to assess the situation and prescribe appropriate treatment.
The reason could be anything, but it is not at all advisable to neglect your skin related problems. So, before repenting later, start reacting to the same as soon as you can.