When this Malayalam Heroine has done couple of films in Tamil and soon moved down to T – Town to try her luck, everyone went gaga over her beauty and her acting skills. She acted opposite a star hero then, whose films used to bag success at any cost. Even this heroine built up all hopes to settle down in T – Town. Her debut film in T – Town with this star Hero, did fare well, but her luck did not fare well at all. She barely managed to do 3 films in T – Town and many unimportant roles in K –Town.
After all these years, looks like this Heroine will be finding her way of success. The buzz is that, the Mallu girl has got an opportunity to act in a B – Town film opposite the ‘Serial Kisser’ Emraan Hashmi. As of now, this lady is busy in reading on the script. If everything goes fare, the shooting of the film will start soon.
I remember this Heroine, during her interview after the release of her first film in T – Town ‘Ontari’, said no matter what, she is not up for neither steamy sequences nor much of skin show and if she has to do the same, she would better prefer quitting this industry. Par ab kya hua lady? A B – Town film, that too opposite Emraan Hasmi, ‘Bhavana’, you have to amend your rule list now.