Actor Nagarjuna, who is busy with hero roles in Tollywood, has been thinking of foraying into media, according sources close to him. Being an actor with looks younger than his age, Nag has already tested his luck in real estate field and made some good money.
It is no secret now that he is really worth some Rs.10, 000 Cr going by the value of lands owned by him in and around Hyderabad. Most of his lands are conveniently located at hi-tech city, kondapur and Madapur, the costliest places in Hyderabad.
The greatness of Nag is he never boasts of his wealth and always talks simple and straight. After a thinking of one year, he has finally decided to go ahead with the launching of his media house which will give birth to English daily to begin with. Later on, the English daily will be followed up with a news channel, going by the information leaked to the press through some journalists.
The news is that he is on the look out for some English journalists who could run his English daily. But so far there are no advertisements from him. However, his decision to launch English daily has become a hot topic of discussion among journalists in Hyderabad and most of them are eagerly awaiting the new daily’s arrival.