An ever dependable Rahul Dravid will sit with the authorities to discuss the various gestures and moves of those accused in the match fixing scandal that rocked this year's IPL. The Delhi police are keeping themselves busy collecting evidence in connection to the IPL spot fixing earlier this year. Sreesanth, Ajit Chandila and Ankeet Chavan have been the primary accused in the controversy.
They played on behalf of Rajasthan Royals, for which Rahul Dravid is the captain. Along with the police, he will now analyze each ball that left the hands of Sreesanth during the fixed matches. Rajasthan Royals match on 5th May, with Pune Warriors on 9th May and with Mumbai Indians and Kings X1 Punjab on 15th May were allegedly fixed by the three players. Discreet codes including untucking the shirt, showing a handkerchief, displaying locket and rotating a watch passed on between the Bookies and the three players.
Rahul Dravid and the Delhi cops will have to rat them out soon for immediate punishment.
(AW: Sruthi)