Technology giant Apple has announced the launch of latest edition of iPad on October 16th at its Cupertino California campus. Apple has sent the invitations to media house and said in the invitation card that “It's been way too long” which clearly give a fire for speculations.
Apple's iPad hasn't tasted much success but leaving no hope, iPad is likely to get more advanced features. Analysts say that features that were made available in the recent launch, iPhone 6 are most likely to find a place in iPad and this time we can expect more thinner pad. However, the length might go up but this mere speculation and we have to wait for confirmation.
As the market share fell to 26.9% from 33% last year, Apple trackers are worried about their expectations in the newest version of iPad. Anyways we have to wait till 16th and see what Apple brought for us.
(AW: Vamshi)