Fed up with people asking about your singlehood? Want to give them back with their own questions??? Okay then, here are the advantages of being single, that can support your decision of being single. after all, it is your own life and you are the best decision maker of yourself;
Freedom and independence. you can have these how much ever you want in every inch of your life, if you are single. you eat or don't eat. save or spend your money. whatever time you come and go home. you keep your home to life a mess or turn into a bliss… you have all the right to make up everything and anything in your life and need not answer anyone.
You have more time for yourself… you can spend it wisely or just relax or do nothing… but, all the time is in your hands. You need not be aware at 01:00 am to talk to your 'love', need not get up early to meet your 'someone', need not finish your work early to meet your 'special' person at the coffee shop or whatever. Time is all yours.
Your habits are no more annoying to others… in fact, you need not change any habit of yours, be it related to food or behavioral trait… you can just life your life as per your wish and norms and no adjustments, what so ever.
Its not that you have taken a oath to be single or so. it is just that, to know who you are, what you want or does not take in life, how do you want your life to be or who can be the right choice as your partner, all these are better understood if you are single for at least some time… then of course, you can choose your 'partner' wisely.
So, being 'single' can also is a better path to choose your 'perfect' partner.