Relationships need to be constantly nurtured to prevent boredom from creeping in. This is specially important for couples who have been together for a very long time. Both of you may be very much in love, but due to the mundane life your relationship may fall apart. Read on to know how you can keep the romance alive in your relationship.
Learning a new skill
The two of you can enrol for a new activity that both would require to learn from a scratch. You could go dancing, painting, snorkeling - anything that will allows both of you to spend quality time together. As both of you would be learning a new activity you will work as a team and your relationship will be refreshed.
Take a road trip
Spending time together away from home brings the two of you together. Go on a holiday or take a short weekend trip. Make it interesting by taking the roadway instead of flying down to your destination. The trip itself will make your relationship exciting as it's different from the things you normally do. Select a nearby holiday spot and do a roadtrip. The journey will be more exciting than the actual vacation.
Stay away from each other
Once in a while take a short break from each other during a weekend. And don't make phone calls or send text or emails. Staying away without any contact will make you realize how much you miss your spouse and run back home.
Make friends with a new set of people
Meeting the same set of friends can become boring after some time. Whenever you socialize it's either his friends or yours. Try and hang out with new set of people – someone you met at a hobby class or your child's best friend's family. The possibilities are endless. It will be fun and you can talk about different things than you usually do.
(AW: Pratima Tigga)