Heart diseases

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  • cheese linked with heart diseases, reason for long life of French people revealed, higher cheese level lowers cholesterol levels, Heart diseases

    Higher Cheese level lowers cholesterol levels 10 April 2015

    A research was carried out to know why French people live for so long. Food experts have solved mystery stating that the cheese is responsible for lowering the risk of heart diseases. The study team from Aarhus University in Denmark...

    Keywords: reason for long life of French people revealed, French cheese diet benefits, higher cheese levels reduces cholesterol levels, heart diseases lowered with French cheese

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    e-cigarettes new updates, e-cigarettes new updates, vaping and e cigarettes tend to cardiovascular problems, Heart diseases

    Vaping and e-cigarettes Tend to Cardiovascular Problems 31 July 2020

    Vaping and e-cigarettes Tend to Cardiovascular Problems:- The use of e-cigarettes doubles the risk of smoking traditional cigarettes told a survey and they will tend to cardiovascular problems. The e-cigarettes, the devices and the refillable vaporizers do not look like...

    Keywords: e-cigarettes, e-cigarettes new updates, e-cigarettes latest, e-cigarettes latest

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    department of health, Eggs, eggs now healthier than 30 years ago, Heart diseases

    Eggs now healthier than 30 years ago 26 July 2012

    Experts say that the eggs that we are able to get today are much healthier than the eggs that we could  get 30 years ago and they say that this could be due to the quality food the poultry hen...

    Keywords: vitamin D, vitamin D, department of health, cholesterol

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    cancer, research on vegetarians, vegetarians aren t healthy study, Heart diseases

    Vegetarians aren't healthy: Study 09 April 2014

    A new research from the Medical University of Graz in Austria has said that Vegetarians are less healthy compared to the meat eaters. The study was carried over 15,000 people of both vegetarians and meat eaters. In this study, the...

    Keywords: research on vegetarians, research on vegetarians, research on vegetarians, Health News

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    Junk Food and Diabetes, Fast Food and Diabetes, high fat dairy products may control the type 2 diabetes, Heart diseases

    High Fat Dairy Products may control the Type 2 Diabetes! 03 April 2015

    It is often believed that the fat contents in food trigger the risks of cardio vascular related health problems and diabetes, but a study conducted in Sweden said that the high-fat dairy products can lower the risk of type 2...

    Keywords: High Fat Food Consumption and Diabetes, Junk Food and Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes meaning, Junk Food and Diabetes

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    healthy office working hours, healthy office working hours, alert heart stroke if working more than 40 hours week, Heart diseases

    Alert: Heart stroke, if working more than 40 hours/week 20 August 2015

    “Working 35 to 40 hours per week is the maximum for a human being to tackle with the health. More than those hours will increase the risk of heart stroke,” said London experts.The study is conducted on 603,838 men and...

    Keywords: standard office working hours, standard office working hours, heart diseases for office working hours, healthy office working hours

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    Air pollution new updates, Children diseases new updates, risk of heart diseases due to air pollution in children, Heart diseases

    Risk of heart diseases due to Air Pollution in Children 07 May 2021

    Risk of heart diseases due to Air Pollution in Children:- A recent study around the world said that the children who are exposed to air pollution are more likely to have the risk of high blood pressure and heart related...

    Keywords: Children diseases updates, Air pollution diseases, Air pollution, Children diseases

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    tips for good health, rich lifestyle, saving a stroke victim, Heart diseases

    Saving a Stroke Victim 08 February 2013

    Heart diseases are on the rise in every nation, the bane of the rich lifestyles. The deaths are most often because they are identified later than they should be and when primary care is not provided. To avoid such problems,...

    Keywords: stroke victim, daily lifestyle, stroke victim, heart problems

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    Heart Diseases in men, symptoms for Heart Diseases, heart diseases women suffer more than men, Heart diseases

    Heart Diseases : Women Suffer More Than Men 31 August 2023

    In a recent study, there are several concerns raised on women's hearts. University of Massachusetts Lowell in their new study has found that women suffer with more heart problems when compared to men and there are several reasons for the...

    Keywords: symptoms for Heart Diseases, study on cardiac problems, women Heart Diseases, men Heart Diseases

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    cholesterol, Rice bran oil leads to healthy heart, rice bran oil leads to healthy heart, Heart diseases

    Rice bran oil leads to healthy heart 13 December 2013

    The fast pace of life today has lead to lifestyle disorders, especially heart diseases not only among the old but even the young are increasingly getting afflicted by this disease. We cannot alter the pace of our life, but we...

    Keywords: cholesterol, WHO, Health, rice bran oil

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    AFib, Gregory M Marcus, study says alcohol may impact atrial fibrillation, Heart diseases

    Study says Alcohol may impact atrial fibrillation 19 May 2021

    Study says Alcohol may impact atrial fibrillation:- Drinking alcohol will surely impact the human body. It will have a near or immediate effect on the heart rhythm and it increases the chance for the atrial fibrillation may occur. This is...

    Keywords: AFib, Atrial Fibrillation problems, alcohol disadvantages, Atrial Fibrillation latest

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    cardiovascular diseases with polygamy, monogamy is better than polygamy, one extra wife increases risk of heart disease by 4 fold, Heart diseases

    One extra wife increases risk of heart disease by 4 fold 30 April 2015

    According to a new study it was revealed that “Polygamy increases risk of heart disease in men by four fold”.  It was presented at the Asian Pacific Society of Cardiology Congress, a meeting of cardiologists in Abu Dhabi by King...

    Keywords: polygamy increases risk of heart diseases, polygamy increases risk of heart diseases, disadvantages of many wives, cardiovascular diseases with polygamy

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    Heart diseases for Kidney patients, Phosphate presence in Food, inorganic phosphate in diet elevates the heart risk, Heart diseases

    Inorganic phosphate in Diet Elevates the Heart Risk 16 March 2015

    Phosphate is abundantly found in all the diet we consume, but the new study shows inorganic phosphate leads to block the cells and may turn the CKD patients face the blood clots as a major cardiovascular disease. According to the...

    Keywords: Inorganic Phosphate in food, Phosphate presence in Food, Heart diseases for Kidney patients, Risks of Patients with chronic kidney disease

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    gestational hypertension news, gestational hypertension, pregnant women with high bp are susceptible to heart disease, Heart diseases

    Pregnant Women With High BP Are Susceptible To Heart Disease 06 July 2020

    Pregnant Women With High BP Are Susceptible To Heart Disease:- Researchers warn that pregnant women who experience high blood pressure during pregnancy have more chances to develop heart failure or heart related diseases in the future. The research has been...

    Keywords: gestational hypertension news, gestational hypertension news, Pregnant women with high BP, heart diseases in pregnant women

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    Frequent eating latest updates, Frequent eating latest updates, frequent eating may lead to heart diseases, Heart diseases

    Frequent Eating may lead to Heart Diseases 02 April 2021

    Frequent Eating may lead to Heart Diseases:- It is all about the eating habits in the modern world that make up your health. The life span will get increased if you are focused on your food and health habits. A...

    Keywords: Frequent eating latest, Frequent eating news, Frequent eating breaking news, cardiovascular health

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