• sleeplessness disadvantages, sleep deprivation linked to biological aging, sleep deficiency linked to biological aging in older adults, Biological

    Sleep deficiency linked to biological aging in older adults 14 June 2015

    According to a new study by American Academy of Sleep Medicine it was revealed that partial sleep deprivation is linked to biological aging in older adults.In the study, the researchers gathered information of 29 adults aged between 61 years and...

    Keywords: sleeplessness problems, sleep deprivation linked to biological aging, Sleep deprivation linked to biological aging, partial sleep deprivation promotes aging

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    paternity suit against ND Tiwari, Tiwari case, nd tiwari to undergo dna tests, Biological

    ND Tiwari to undergo DNA tests 10 May 2011

    The Delhi High Court today directed the 85-year old congress veteran ND Tiwari to come to the court dispensary on June 1to give his blood samples for a DNA test to verify the claim of a 31-year old man that...

    Keywords: biological son of ND Tiwari, biological son of ND Tiwari, Tiwari case, paternity suit against ND Tiwari

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    Convention on Biological Diversity, International Biodiversity Summit, convention on biological diversity aids tourism industry, Biological

    Convention on Biological Diversity aids tourism industry 01 October 2012

    With nearly ten thousand global visitors thronging the corridors of the Deccan city, Tourism is sure to thrive and hotels are sure to have a 'no room' sign. Many global visitors do come in to the country at a random...

    Keywords: Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, Convention on Biological Diversity, Convention on Biological Diversity, Cop Mop 6

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    ND Tiwari's Case, Delhi High Court, rohit sekhar is nd tiwari s son, Biological

    Rohit Sekhar is ND Tiwari's son 22 April 2014

    Delhi High Court has declared that Rohit Sekhar is ND Tiwari's biological son after six years of battle. Though the news isn't knew as Mr. Tiwari himself agreed Rohit as his son days back, the Delhi High Court considered newspapers...

    Keywords: Rohit Sekhar, Delhi High Court, Quick News, ND Tiwari's Case

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    good effect, healthy, good affects of a right nap, Biological

    Good affects of a right Nap! 26 October 2012

    Near and dear to our hearts is the nap.  Some of the greatest men of the 20th century were avid fans of napping, most notably Albert Einstein and Winston Churchill.  (Much of the information in this and future blogs on...

    Keywords: hearts, napping, survey, nap

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    ND Tiwari, Delhi High Court, nd tiwari is biological father of rohit shekhar, Biological

    ND Tiwari IS biological father of Rohit Shekhar 27 July 2012

    The DNA test has confirmed that the veteran Congress leader N D Tiwari as the biological father of Rohit Shekhar to add to his embarassment. He had earlier pleaded the Delhi High court not to open the DNA reports before...

    Keywords: Delhi High Court, Delhi High Court, ND Tiwari, DNA test

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    infertility, biological clock, mobile phone or biological clock for women, Biological

    Mobile phone or biological clock for women! 03 July 2012

    A mobile application would reveal the dreaded biological fear of a woman and help her to plan her future well. The inventor from US is also a woman who had been creating applications for advertisements. And to dispel her own...

    Keywords: infertility, , mira kaddoura, biological clock

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    Sheena Bora, Sheena latest, indrani is sheena s biological mother, Biological

    Indrani Is Sheena’s Biological Mother 08 September 2015

    After many unexpected twists and turns in Indrani and Sheena Bora’s case, the police have many more things that left them in surprise. The Mumbai Police Commissioner Rakesh Maria revealed that the DNA reports confirmed that Indrani Mukerjea is the...

    Keywords: Sanjeev Khanna, Indrani Mukerjea, Sanjeev Khanna, Indrani Mukerjea updates

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    strong evidence of life on earth, nasa, curiosity says martian atmosphere has no life support, Biological

    Curiosity says Martian atmosphere has no life support 21 September 2013

    During Thursday it has come up into prominence that National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (Nasa) Mars rover Curiosity couldn't justify it's investigation for methane in the planet's atmosphere. Methane gas happens to be a strong evidence of life on Earth....

    Keywords: mars orbiters, no indication of methane, nasa, rover landed on mars

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    Cop Mop 6, Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, convention on biological diversity hyd hotels put up no room signs, Biological

    Convention on Biological Diversity: Hyd Hotels put up 'No Room' signs 01 October 2012

    In spite of a gloomy Telangana issue the state capital seems to be happy to welcome the international dignitaries from 194 global destinations for the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) (October 01-19). nearly 10,000 are expected to partcipate in this...

    Keywords: Convention on Biological Diversity, Cop Mop 6, Convention on Biological Diversity, Convention on Biological Diversity

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    risk of cardiovascular disease, risk of cardiovascular disease, intellection of stress can cause sickness, Biological

    Intellection of stress can cause sickness! 29 June 2013

    Researchers known to have discovered just thinking about being stressed can make individuals fall seriously ill as well as make greater the possibility of suffering a heart attack. It was researched, at the time following beyond 7,000 civil servants over...

    Keywords: managing stress, managing stress-related complaints, France, managing stress-related complaints

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    Corbevax doses, Corbevax latest news, biological e s corbevax could be the cheapest vaccine in india, Biological

    Biological E's Corbevax could be the cheapest vaccine in India 05 June 2021

    Biological E's Corbevax could be the cheapest vaccine in India:- Biological E's Corbevax could be the cheapest vaccination for coronavirus in India and it is priced at Rs 500 for both the doses. Biological E's Corbevax is yet to get...

    Keywords: Corbevax latest updates, Corbevax updates, Corbevax approx price in India, Corbevax latest news

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    , Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, unity in diversity nation emphasizes on bio diversity in the artistic way, Biological

    Unity in diversity nation emphasizes on Bio diversity, in the artistic way 10 October 2012

    It is no wonder that this nation which is a standing example globally for 'unity in diversity,' is proud to hold the international convention on Biodiversity at Hyderabad. The three week carnival is underway since October first and shall conclude...

    Keywords: Cop 11, 10 October, Convention on Biological Diversity,

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    women mind, biological information, mind your mood these days, Biological

    Mind your Mood, these days... 22 November 2012

    Your hormones affect you every day of your life. Regardless of your age, normal fluctuations across the menstrual cycle can drive changes in your mood, appetite, and libido. Early on in your cycle, you have just come off of your...

    Keywords: mid chycle, these days, women mind, hormones

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    , Cop Mop 6, convention on biological diversity in hyd, Biological

    Convention on Biological Diversity in HYd 01 October 2012

    The whole metro is spruced up to welcome the 8000 + representatives from the 194 countries  for the  Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) (October 01-19). most of the flyovers are decked with cultural paintings. India is an apt capital for...

    Keywords: Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, International Biodiversity Summit, ,

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    Convention on Biological Diversity, Cop Mop 6, convention on biological diversity hyderabad turns bio capital of india, Biological

    Convention on Biological Diversity: Hyderabad turns bio capital of India 01 October 2012

    Hyderabad has scored over Delhi in getting the chance to host the first in the country and the prestigious 11th global Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). The city had geared up to...

    Keywords: Convention on Biological Diversity, Convention on Biological Diversity, Cop Mop 6,

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    lion attack, Bannerghatta Biological Park, lion climb on innova car at bannerghatta biological park in bengaluru, Biological

    Lion Climb on Innova Car at Bannerghatta Biological Park in Bengaluru 01 February 2017

    Last year an Innova with passengers had signed on for a safari at the Bannerghatta Biological Park in Bengaluru. While taking visitors for a safari ride,  the Innova was blocked and attacked by two angry lions. The similar incident took...

    Keywords: Bannerghatta Biological Park, Innova Car, lion attack, Innova Car

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    political news, movie 
reviews, hyderabad ground water unfit for drinking, Biological

    Hyderabad ground water unfit for drinking 30 August 2011

    Ground water in majority areas of the Hyderabad city has become unfit for consumption and needs treatment for both biological and chemical contamination before it is used for drinking purposes. A study by the Central Ground Water Board revealed that...

    Keywords: metro wishesh, hot topics store, real funny jokes, telugu cinema

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