The court had also asked Rohit Shekhar and his mother Ujjwala Sharma to visit the dispensary and give their blood samples on the same date.
Rohit Shekar had filed a petition in the court claiming that he was the biological son of Tiwari and demanding that Tiwari must treat him as his son for all practical purposes. Tiwari however rejected the claims and requested the court to dismiss the petition. The court however ordered the three of them to undergo DNA tests to verify or reject the claim of Rohit Shekhar.
The high court further said that the costs of the DNA tests must be borne by three of them. The Centre for DNA, Fingerprinting and Diagnostics (CDFD) at Hyderabad will conduct the DNA tests to verify the claims of Rohit.
The court has also ordered the counsel for Tiwari to pay Rs 75,000 to Rohit Shekhar towards fine for requesting the court to delete some paragraphs from Mr. Rohit’s paternity suit.