• twin blasts in Hyderabad, afzal guru hanging, hyderabad blasts cities on high alert, Ajmal


    A really mournful sight for all of us to see relatives and neighbours gloomy by the body of Swapna Reddy who was killed in Thursday’s explosion. On Friday, the death toll rose more than 20 as a result of Thursday’s...

    Keywords: terror attacks in hyderabad., Central intelligence agencies alerts, twin blasts in Hyderabad, cities on alert

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    , Ajmal Kasab, afzal guru executed in tihar jail, Ajmal

    Afzal Guru executed in Tihar Jail! 09 February 2013

    Government of India confirmed that Afzal Guru has been executed at 8 am this morning at the Tihar Jail. Mohammad Afzal Guru, is a Jaish-e-Mohammad terrorist and is the  prime accused in the attack on parliament in 2001 He had...

    Keywords: Ajmal Kasab, Tihar jail, Tihar jail, Ajmal Kasab

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    National Cricket Centre, Saeed Ajmal banned, saeed ajmal banned from bowling, Ajmal

    Saeed Ajmal banned from bowling 09 September 2014

    In a huge upset to the Pakistan cricket, offspinner Saeed Ajmal has been banned from bowling in International Cricket by the International Cricket Council [ICC]. This is a shocking news as Ajmal is leading wicket taker for Pakistan and a...

    Keywords: Saeed Ajmal, ICC Test rankings, ICC, ICC rankings

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    maharastra home ministry, kasab hanged, the cost of justice india spent over rs 50 crore on kasab, Ajmal

    The cost of justice; India spent over Rs 50 Crore on Kasab 21 November 2012

    The much awaited execution of 26/11 Mumbai terror attack convict Ajmal Kasab was done on Wednesday morning, inviting response from all over India. Now as the incident is over, it's time for the whole nation to learn a shocking truth...

    Keywords: kasab hanged, amount spent on kasab, 26/11 mumbai attacks, ajmal amir kasab hanged

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    ICC regulations, ICC, icc suspends hafeez, Ajmal

    ICC Suspends Hafeez 08 December 2014

    The International Cricket Council has suspended Pakistan allrounder Mohammad Hafeez from bowling after his bowling action was found to be illegal. Following an independent analysis on Hafeez bowling action, all the deliveries were found to exceed the tolerated 15 degrees...

    Keywords: Pakistan Cricket, ICC regulations, Mohammad Hafeez bowling, ICC regulations

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    26 november terror attack, Laskhar e taiba, indian witnesses cross examined by pak commission, Ajmal

    Indian Witnesses Cross Examined by Pak Commission 24 September 2013

    The case is 26/11 terror attack.  The witnesses are City Magistrate, R.V.Sawant Waghule who recorded Lashkar e Taiba’s Ajmal Kasab’s confession, The Chief Investigating Officer of the 26/11 case, Ramesh mahale and two doctors who conducted autopsy on Pakistan terrorists. ...

    Keywords: cross examination by Pak Commission, Pakistan Commission, Ajmal Kasab, 26 november terror attack

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    Politicking Wishesh, political parties, borders between mud slinging slanging erased politicking wishesh, Ajmal

    Borders between mud-slinging, slanging erased! : Politicking Wishesh 09 February 2013

    Namaskaram andi! Hope you are enjoying your special exclusive from Wishesh. Before you get into hectic schedules, we try to bring out, how public like you & me feel about the present happenings. This is just the lighter side of...

    Keywords: slanging erased, face of truth, February 09, 09 February

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    ajmal kasab, dilshukhnagar bombs, hyderabad blasts im involvement suspected, Ajmal

    Hyderabad blasts: IM involvement suspected 22 February 2013

    Hyderabad has become the target of terrorism once again, havoc and chaos were the order of the day at Dilshukhnagar, Hyderabad after five different bombs went off at five different places near the foot over bridge in Hyderabad. Over 22...

    Keywords: , hyderabad blasts, , ajmal kasab

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    afzal guru death penalty, afzal guru death penalty, another 14 to follow kasab, Ajmal

    Another 14 to follow Kasab? 22 November 2012

    If we look into the status of capital punishment in the country we'll find that as many as 14 mercy petitions from 18 convicts are pending before President Pranab Mukherjee, following the rejection of a similar plea from Mumbai terror...

    Keywords: afzal guru case, kasab hanged, capital punishment in india, pranab mukherjee

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    hamas, omar abdullah tweets, omar abdullah slams u s media on twitter for biased remarks, Ajmal

    Omar Abdullah slams U.S media on twitter for biased remarks 22 November 2012

    The Chief Minister of Jammu & Kashmir, Omar Abdullah is visibly irked with the American media for their reference of  Ajmal Kasab as "gunman" and Hamas as a "terror outfit". Abdullah posted a tweet on his Twitter page saying, "So,...

    Keywords: omar abdullah on us media, omar abdullah on us media, omar abdullah on us media, hamas

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    kasab hanged, maharastra home ministry, kasab was nervous but quiet before the execution reports, Ajmal

    Kasab was nervous but quiet before the execution: Reports 21 November 2012

    The news of 26/11 Mumbai terror convict Ajmal Kasab being hanged on Wednesday morning at 7.30 A.M is bringing superlative reactions from people across all over India. The related reports are still pouring in . In such a report it...

    Keywords: kasab hanged, ajmal amir kasab hanged, 26/11 convict hanged, ajmal amir kasab hanged

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    ajmal kasab, ajmal kasab, vaishno devi on high alert after let terror threat, Ajmal

    Vaishno Devi on high alert after LeT terror threat 27 November 2012

    Vaishno Devi, one of the holiest shrine of Hinduism is under high alerts due to the security threat and again it has something to do with sinister terror outfit LeT. This time they sent an e-mail threatening to avenge the...

    Keywords: terrorist response to kasab execution, Vaishno devi on high alert, let to take revange, ajmal kasab execution

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    kasab hanged, Pakistan media response in kasab hanging, pakistani media plays safe on kasab hanging, Ajmal

    Pakistani media plays safe on Kasab Hanging 21 November 2012

    They know how sensitive this matter is for the relation between both the countries, and judging that the Pakistani media has so far reacted very cautiously to the news of 26/11 Mumbai terror attack convict Ajmal Amir Kasab's hanging ....

    Keywords: 26/11 convict hanged, let, yerwada jail, pak media on kasab

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    Afzal Guru executed, Afzal Guru, modi expressed better late than never on afzal guru s fate, Ajmal

    Modi expressed, 'better late than never' on Afzal Guru's fate! 09 February 2013

    The Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi expressed his satisfaction over the hanging of the  Mohammad Afzal Guru, a Jaish-e-Mohammad terrorist. On his tweeter handle, BJP leader tweeted 'Der aye, durust aye (It's better to be late than never).' The statements...

    Keywords: Tihar jail, Afzal Guru executed, Modi expressed, February 09

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    ajmal kasab, afzal guru, taliban announce indian kashmir to be next battlefield, Ajmal

    Taliban announce Indian Kashmir to be next battlefield 23 February 2013

    Not weeks after Nato let by the US have announced that they will pull out of Afghanistan by the end of 2014, the Punjabi Taliban a subgroup of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan threatened that Indian Kashmir would be their next battlefield....

    Keywords: taliban threaten kashmir, pakistan, indian mujahideen, jihad

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    ajmal amir kasab hanged, ajmal kasab hanged, finally the justice delivered 26 11convict ajmal kasab hanged, Ajmal

    Finally, The Justice Delivered; 26/11Convict Ajmal Kasab Hanged 21 November 2012

    Finally the inevitable happened , 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks convict Ajmal Amir Kasab was hanged on Wednesday morning at 7.30 A.M at Pune's Yerwada jail. The information was confirmed by the Maharashtra Home Ministry, which said President Pranab Mukherjee had...

    Keywords: kasab hanged, yerwada jail, 26/11 convict hanged, kasab hanged

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    Afzal Guru executed, What Afzal Guru death means to India, what afzal guru death means to india, Ajmal

    What Afzal Guru death means to India! 09 February 2013

    Mohammad Afzal Guru, a Jaish-e-Mohammad terrorist was the mastermind behind the attack on the epitome of democratic India, the Parliament in December, 2001. Five heavily-armed terrorists drove into the Parliament complex and opened fire. Nearly 9 people, mostly from the...

    Keywords: Ajmal Kasab, Tihar jail, Afzal Guru executed, What Afzal Guru death means to India

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    hafiz saeed, kasab hanged, after death kasab is hailed as an inspiration to the terrorists, Ajmal

    After death Kasab is hailed as an inspiration to the terrorists 22 November 2012

    The execution of Ajmal Kasab has strong impact on the minds of Pakistan based terror group and Kasab's main partner in that heinous crime LeT( Lashkar-e-Toiba). After  hearing the news a top LeT commander said that Kasab was a hero...

    Keywords: 26/11 convict hanged, kasab hanged, let, kasab hanged

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    Mumbai terror attacks, Mumbai terror attacks updates, 26 11 mumbai terror attacks ajmal kasab is alive witness claims, Ajmal

    26/11 Mumbai terror attacks: Ajmal Kasab is alive, witness claims 11 December 2015

    “Ajmal Kasab, who was caught in 26/11 Mumbai terror attack case and was later hanged, is alive”, the key witness, said in the past, and even stuck to the same now.   The level of terror created by the terrorists, killing several...

    Keywords: Mumbai terror attacks, Kasab case, Mumbai terror attacks, Mumbai terror attacks updates

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    Taliban, Golden Temple, amritsar police ready to thwart taliban attacks, Ajmal

    Amritsar police ready to thwart Taliban attacks 30 November 2012

    Security at the highly crowded areas of Jallianwala Bagh was beefed up after the police received several claims by the Pakistani Taliban forces on Wednesday that they would not let the death of Ajmal Kasab go waste. They threatened the...

    Keywords: Taliban, Durgiana temple, Golden Temple, Pakistani taliban

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