(Image source from: Chicagohealthonline.com)
Six Myths About Varicose Veins:- Varicose veins is a condition that happens when your veins start bulging out and turn purple in color. This condition is found in both men and women. As per the statistics, half of the adults across the globe are suffering from this disorder. This disorder comes with an increase in the age. The biggest relief one can have is that it can be treated and several treatments are available. One should consult a doctor if he or she spots the symptoms of Varicose veins. Here we are with six myths to burst out Varicose veins:
Crossing the legs will never cause Varicose veins. Many people believe that keeping one's legs crossed for a longer time will cause Varicose veins but it is just a myth. Wearing tight pants too will not cause Varicose veins. It is all because of the blood clot which leads to the disorder.
Pregnancy is never a reason for Varicose veins. According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, some of them may face this problem during pregnancy but it fades out after delivery.
Massages are used to relax your body's muscles. But massage is never a cure for Varicose veins. It is just a rumor that Varicose veins can help you in treating Varicose veins.
One will not have a need to wear compression stockings, to pursue the advanced treatment of Varicose veins. Some of them will have to use it during the recovery phase. The duration differs from person to person.
Women can get their treatment for Varicose veins done even before getting pregnant. This can be beneficial for women.
Tattoos are not bad for Varicose veins. They never worsen the problem and it is just a speculation.
The treatment for Varicose veins includes lasers and sclerotherapy through injections. Both these are quite effective and should be done by experts.
To prevent Varicose veins, you should maintain a healthy weight. Obesity is the major reason for Varicose veins. Try wearing compression stockings if you stand for long hours. One should take short breaks to elevate your legs. Regular exercises will help your veins to be healthy.