A pediatric urologist at Wake Forest University in North Carolina has said that parents who pressurize their children for toilet training may be hurting them as bladder would still be in an underdeveloped staged among kids below three years. Dr. Steve Hodges, who came out with this new theory, has said that potty training would undoubtedly cause toilet accidents.
In his book, It's No Accident, Dr. Hodges tell us some interesting facts pertaining to child rearing. He debunks the myth of parents, who try to get children out of diapers at an early stage. In his book, he mentioned that eight per cent of girls suffered urinary tract infections since they were given potty training.
He has also stressed that a bladder at least needs three to four years to develop and said maximum growth would be allowed when parents don't forcefully potty train their kids. So, parents, make sure you follow the guidelines of Dr. Hudges and don't exert pressure on your kids. Let them stick to diapers at least they turn three.
(AW Phani)