Donald Trump Asks his Supporters to Vote Twice:- US President Donald Trump popped up the idea of voting twice to his supporters in North Carolina: once through the mail and once in person. Trump said this at Wilmington airport addressing a crowd and he staged an attack against his opponent Joe Biden. "We are running against people and have several big issues. They have got several big problems. Joe Biden doesn't have a clue and we cannot let it happen to our country" said Donald Trump during his speech. He said that the Republicans will win all the southern states like they won in 2016.
Donald Trump said that they are going to win North Carolina along with South Carolina, Georgia and New Hampshire. North Carolina’s Attorney General Josh Stein, a Democrat took twitter to say that Trump is encouraging the people of North Carolina to break the law and create chaos in the elections. Patrick Gannon, a spokesman for North Carolina’s State Board of Elections said that no one would be able to cast two ballots. Donald Trump's words created a stir and several opponents responded to his comments. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, most of the Americans may prefer to cast their vote through mail. The experts say that the results may not be clear on the night of the election as there would be lot of mails coming. This might take some more time to verify the ballots.