Importance of etiquette at work March 06, 2013 19:13
Banks, insurance companies, hotel industry, soft ware companies, and media companies, no matter what genre you are in, professional etiquette has become mandatory in today’s world of survival. But how many of us are maintaining the same? Does dressing up well and, managing to perform well at work alone can be considered as professional etiquette? Let's have a basic idea; It’s not just your behavior with your colleagues but how do you behave talking over phone also matters a lot. Some have a habit of talking louder when they are speaking with their colleagues or even over phone. Try to keep a check on this habit and if you cannot avoid speaking louder over phone, better find a lonely place for yourself to speak over phone rather than disturbing other’s peace of mind, letter your personal matters known to one and all. Other annoying habit is choosing some ring tones that are really not applicable at work place. Let your phone ring tone be simple and regular... if at work or in a meeting, do not forget to keep your mobile in silent or in vibration mode at least. If you are speaking to your colleague and the other pardons you for a moment when he is getting a call or he has got some work, don’t ignore this and end up speaking continuously. It is good to stop for a while and let other finish off with their work first, so that you can continue your discussion. Do not take frequent breaks if you are supposed to complete some work for that day. Many have a habit of taking 10 minutes break and end up resuming back to the duties some 30 minutes later or going out for lunch and coming back to work say some 30 minutes later. This behavior is definitely not acceptable. If your colleagues, peers ask for any information, of course official, respond to the same immediately. And it is better to go with a spell check while you are putting anything on a paper or on a mail... Maturity, punctuality, understandability, patience and ability to handle multiple things with an ease can bring you to put in your best etiquette.
Read MoreDon't just dream but act to get what you want March 04, 2013 15:45
Mere dreaming about achieving a goal or succeeding in getting what you want is not sufficient. Apart from working on getting what you want here are some more tips that can help you reach your goal, quick. Stick those posters and pictures on which the quotes that are actually matching your wish of getting what you want, that are supportive and that are highly positive, be available within your vision. So that every time you see these pictures or posters the quotes and the content on them will motivate you to achieve your goal sooner. What do you eat does not only show results on your physical health but also will prove a bliss or mess up your over all thought process as well. so, stay away from all those oily and junk food that will increase laziness in you, keeping you away from achieving your goal. Include lots of vegies and fruits in your meal teamed up with fat free milk and curd as well. Right from your daily routine to be perfect to the goal you want to achieve, planning of what to be done is really very important. So, just spare 10 minutes a day and think what can be done on that day. This way you will not only achieve your goals but also will try implementing all those more important things on that day that need to be answered. Nothing is a best mantra than the music. Listen to the favorite song of yours or those songs that make you dream about what you want to achieve. Fantasies are not that bad every time, so think that you have achieved what you want and the song you are listening is the celebration of your achievement. Create the situations virtually that you will be encountering on achieving your goal. It could be your dream job, earning lots and lots of money, implementing that business idea of yours or a person with whom you are dying to live, let your dream be successful. Irrespective of the situations, believe in your dream, the belief itself will work wonders for you.
Read MoreBe a true team leader February 27, 2013 13:19
You are representing a team at your work place... with the responsibility of handling the team, segregating the work, assigning the work to each team member according to the band levels and capability, ensuring the work done on time with the good output and what not. Being a senior member in the team, you have to handle various situations, right from work to managing interpersonal relations you need to be a winner in every aspect. But how will you do so? Is the question that would pop up many times you encounter a difficult situation. Here are some tips you can implement to master the art of success both at work and maintaining good relations with your colleagues. It is a complaint from many executives that their boss often fails to assign the right work according to their designation and capability. In a hurry to complete the work why do you want to do the same mistake as well? Assign the work according to the individual's capability and cadre, before this divide the work accordingly. If you want your entire team to be well versed with all the work, rather than one employee being able to do on set of work only, then you can convey the same to all the team members, before assigning the work. This way, you will be looked upon as a boss who not only strives for a quality output at work but also for a individual employee's development. In every team, there would be a person who will definitely work hard to get the work done but at the same time is not outspoken or comparatively weaker when it comes to communication. You can encourage such employees by asking them to give presentations, talk in the meeting and appreciating them for their work done. Rather than being a tough boss all the time, you can always know the trick of getting the work done and yet being friendly with your team. The only thing is you need to know till what limit you need to be close with your team members and where to draw a line of limit that makes the team not to take your friendliness into their advantage.
Read MoreFor your kid to become a best individual February 26, 2013 10:36
Fed up asking your child to read and him/her escaping from books as soon as they reach home? At this time if any one advices to make your kid read other stuff from class books, you could really get irritated. Rather than nagging the kids to read books, why not we find some better ways to make them read? Before asking your kid to read, you find your favorite book or a News paper at least and make sure you are reading it in front of your kid. Right from behavioral traits to the habits to mannerisms, kids will learn everything from parents. So, you inculcate the habit of reading first. Your kid will follow you, the chances are very high. It is the best idea to create a book shelf at your home, arrange books in a way that anyone could find it interesting to pick up a book and read. Remember, this arrangement should not be limited to decoration only, you need to put some effort in reading, so will your kids. Apart from asking your kid to read syllabus books, ask them to read comics, story books that have entertainment and information, morals put together. Whatever kids see and understand, they will implement the same. So, let them implement some morals and grow high on the information on various things around them, to transform into a better individual. Once kids inculcate the habit of reading there are great chances of them turning good students, their memory power increasing at a great extent too. This is proven in various researches. Some kids have a habit of reading themselves. Why don’t you inculcate the habit in kids of reading whatever they are including syllabus books as a story and explaining you? This way whatever they read will not appear tough for them. They will understand in the process of making you understand and if they cannot, you are anyways there to help them.
Read MoreTips to alter your behavior February 21, 2013 17:42
We getting offended with the behavior, act or a joke cracked by people around us, could be in office or at home, this is a common thing. But, are being more sensitive, are we getting offended for the smallest thing? Is this behavior of us making us stand weaker among others? Then here is the time to change and tips that can help you alter your thought process. What is that which is making you get offended? A friend's behavior, you being centric and a aspect of joke among the group or you are taking every small thing personally... write every emotion of your on paper. Start analyzing the same and the next time this kind of a situation arises, try controlling your emotions. Many of us have a habit of either cutting the conversations when we think it is getting too personal or getting offended and showing our dis interest then and there. This time you can try the third method. If you are offended by the situation or a person then just leave the same for that moment and later discuss the same with one who was responsible for the situation later. This is a matured and no nonsense way to treat the issue. Many times who go out of control and do not know what are we speaking and how are we behaving when we encounter these situations. At this point of time, ask you closest friend or loved one or the person whom you believe the most to observe your behavior and warn you from going out of control then and there.
Read More'trust'... the magic that changes your life February 18, 2013 12:28
Trust... a magical word that really creates the magic when each and every letter in this word is believed to be happening to the core. Not many know trust has a power of making impossible turn possible. But, the trust has to be true, complete, and blind and not reacting according to the situation, even the situations might seem not working according to your belief and in your favor. We have might come across some people who say they have tried the treatment of 'this' Doctor, after couple of years of taking treatment under the supervision of 'a' particular Doctor and the treatment of the new Doctor working really positive for them... does this mean that the new Doctor is more eligible to cure the ailments when compared to the old Doctor? Certainly not. It is the trust factor on the new doctor that made the disease of these people get cured. We have also seen many Women who fail to experience the motherhood irrespective of their and their partners being perfect and healthy. Some others just conceive within no time. The trust factor also applies to this example. In today's era of life style, we have seen n number of love stories coming to an end, even before they start. Some other relationships, even though seem to be impossible to be continued, end up in a marital bliss. The trust on the relationship and on one and other makes things happen and this scenario as well. Once you observe the situations in your life, you might find at least one situation where the impossible has become possible just because of the trust on that situation to happen in you... This definitely does not mean you should stop doing everything to work out what you want and just trust on things to happen on their own. In fact, complete trust on wanting something will itself make us work on achieving the want and fulfilling the wish. So, possess a complete non biased trust on what you are wishing to want. Never ever, even for a second have a second thought about not achieving what you want. Trust your instincts and see, definitely situations end up turning positive and in your favor making you achieve your wish. Believe you wish and trust it to become true. Be it a situation or getting something, achieving a goal or getting 'that' someone in your life.
Read MoreBeing patient... costs a lot? February 15, 2013 20:06
You will definitely say, 'okay now, it is so easy to say, but very hard to implement... patience, so good to hear but irrespective of the situation it is very hard to not react to the situations and maintain your cool self'... Certain words like 'patience' mean so vast... the term differs to me and you. It is easy to say 'don't react to the situation. People might hurt you, situations people and even the scenarios might turn un expected. Though you don't want, you might get irritated, lose your temper and in turn lose your patience. Every one reacts different from other when they lose their cool self. Some just chose not to speak a word and their silent torture for sure would kill others, others yell and make an issue out of the situation and those who believe in the art of being wise would resolve the matter with a talk or discussion. But what about all those situations that cannot be handled in either ways? Not reacting to it is the best mantra... Okay, let me explain with an example; say your partner is being stubborn enough and doing exactly what you don't want the other to do. Forget about expecting from the other, you would instead loose your patience in response to your partner's behavior and start projecting your anger... instead, why don't you try to remain calm and cool? Just let your partner how you are feeling and how his/her behavior is hurting you and that's it. Leave the issue then and there? It might not work at the first time or might be more than hard for you to implement this kind of a behavior for the first time... but, forget about changing the situations according to your convenience, with this kind of behavior, you will not hurt others and your emotions further, as well. It is okay to be philosophical in life, at time. Let what has to happen, if you are hurt, divert your mind and thoughts immediately and expect the least from life, people around you. Patience will be automatically inculcated in you and things, life would become easy and peaceful to handle... this can be understood when you put in your mind, inculcate what said according to your situation, think and implement what said.
Read MoreLove arguments? Re think... February 13, 2013 17:41
N number of people around us and all of them possess a different personality that is not similar to other. Only certain personality traits match with one and other and we mistake considering ‘yes, these two minds think alike’… no, just because of some interests and thoughts are similar, no two minds can think completely alike… Similarly, if you are indulged in an argument on what is right and what is wrong with your loved ones or office colleagues, why is that many times, you end up having a disagreement? Just because, what is right for you might not be right and acceptable for others and vice versa. Instead of making an argument to prove our point to be right, it is always a matured way to express our thoughts and what we feel according to us is right, leave the issue then and there and continue what we are doing or want to do. You can never convince a person who is not ready to get convinced. So, rather than indulging in an argument that will definitely end up in a quarrel, it is better ending the issue diplomatically yet letting one and all know your point. And remember, every time it is not necessary for your thought or point to be proved right. Just decide what you want, to win in an argument or to be wise enough to do what you like and be a real winner… life will be yours…
Read MoreAre you cursing yourself? February 12, 2013 15:42
We curse ourselves, we are angry with us, on our inability of not doing or achieving something. That’s it, we consider ourselves as failures, we abuse us and it’s like we hate the way we are. But what is the main cause for this hatred to build up in us??? Some of us want to start exercising regularly, others want to devote some hours in the morning to study, some others want to apply for their dream jobs seriously… like this, we all put up some aim or the other on us… we even set up a target and make all plans to achieve what we want. But, many of us fail in implementing these plans… may be because of our inability to stick on to the time, not getting up when we want to, not able to complete the work in the desired time limit, whatever may be the reason, we end up not implementing what we have planned and this turns to a frustration on ourselves and in return we develop an hatred on us. Actually speaking this hatred is not on our overall personality but on that one inability... if we work on overcoming this inability and meeting the target, achieving what we wanted to achieve, then there is no question of hatred. Instead the confidence levels in us will increase to such a level that we will be ready for any last moment challenges and un foreseen circumstances. So, it is all in us, how to make the impossible possible and achieve what we always wanted to…Get up, get started and be a success…
Read More3 'no's for your best career February 11, 2013 13:11
Career has really become a priority in almost all of our lives. It is the good career that would decide your stand in the society… you might have learnt what all to be done to shape up your career to the best… but here are 3 ‘no’s that you should not implement doing at your work place, if you want your career to be the best… and they are; It is a human tendency to be impatient enough and show the anger on others either through gossiping or by directly possessing a rude behavior on whome because of we are hurt. These are a big ‘no’ if you want a smooth run of your career in the organization. Be matured enough to handle things wisely. Never ever gossip neither let your frustration be evident. You can always be calm and composed and deal with the problems at work place. Rather than possessing a nagging behavior on what has happened, think on getting the solution for the problem you are facing. Delaying the work till the last moment and waking up at the nth hour, making your team extend their work timings and work at the last moment to meet the deadline… this work style of yours will for sure create a negative impression on your over all personality. Plan accordingly and work on meeting the deadline right from the moment any work/project has been assigned to you. There is nothing on time… it is either 5 to 10 minutes before time or late, that’s it. So, be before time while reporting to your duties and meeting the deadlines. Your punctuality speaks a lot about your personality.
Read MoreInculcate the best habit in your kid... February 06, 2013 10:27
Book reading a really good habit that not only makes you learn n number of things and sometimes get inspired by these in turn transform your personality to better, but also improves you as a person. The same logic applies in case of kids as well. Those kids who are lot into reading starting from stories to novels to those write ups that are inspirational, tend to gain a lot of knowledge. To be one amongst 100, kids need to put on that extra interest to gain knowledge apart from syllabus. It is YOU who should see to that your kids are getting transformed as best individuals. Now the biggest question is how to inculcate the habit of book reading in your kids… making them read their class books itself is a big task for you… Well, here are some tips for you to follow and inculcate the book reading habit in your kids; Find out those books that are not complicated and full of knowledge only, instead gift your kids those books that have much knowledge in an entertaining way. Like with pictures, cartoons and you know, just colorful like kids. Ask them to read these books and give their opinion on how is it, so that you can also read it. Let them read, analyze and judge what they have read. Instead of asking questions like you are inspecting them, put questions as if you do not know that particular aspect and you want them to explain you. This is definitely the best way to develop the habit of book reading in your kids, that too with an enthusiasm. Let the book you choose for them be fun filled and informative at the same time. You never let them know you want to inculcate the habit of reading in them. Just like any other activity on a holiday or for them to take a break from their regular studies, book reading is the hobby for them. Ask your kid to read louder. It is not that you are keeping a check on them; it is because you want to know what is written in the book as well. This makes your kid to read and learn what ever read with enthusiasm.
Read MoreHappy go lucky attitude is your's February 04, 2013 14:32
Have you ever thought of geet in the popular film jab we met??? Why we loved the role so much? Because of the personality trait of the role... because we always wanted to be like one throughout our lives but failed to be so, for what so ever reason might be... we get excited and want to be in the company of people like these who are fun loving, live in the moment, not bothered about what the World thinks of them and at the same time helpful to others... Rather than admiring these natured people why don't we try to transform like one??? Cool idea? Then here are some tips you can follow to inculcate that happy personality in you... No matter what happens, let the World fall in front of you, if you completely know that you can do nothing to change the situations for the better, it is better for you to not to think and even consider these situations. It is your happiness and peace that matters for you so let you be selfish... after all, you are selfish because to get your happiness... Just know and have clarity of what you want from each and every situation... do you want yourself to win amongst the rest in the situation then don't think twice before heading into an argument. If you want to get out of the situation, then just be calm, put a smile on your face and get out of the situation. If you want the truth to win then speak your bit in the situation... if there is clarity on what you want, then half of the problems are solved... It is okay to cut done your ego to a bit in some situations. Every time, it is not necessary to win. At the same time, if you know compromising is the only option to live in peace, then do the same with happiness and do it completely... You might want certain life style, person, set of life, job or whatever... in every situation; you might not get what you want, irrespective of putting your 100% efforts. Here, it is better to let go off what you want with a smile rather than living in a vein of not getting the same. This let go off attitude will definitely bring the impossible towards you and this becomes possible. Only thing is, you believe what you want and have patience filled with happiness.
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