kick start your first day in Week December 24, 2012 13:24
Want to start your first day in a week with happiness and continue the same, entire week? Here are some simple and quick tips you can follow; Try waking up at least half an hour…
Read MoreBasic ways to get rid of depression December 20, 2012 20:09
Neither YOU nor ME are exception for ‘Depression’… we all are emotional animals, no matter how much we pretend to be practical… when things don’t work out as per our plan, it is likely to…
Read MorePositive effects of work pressure December 19, 2012 18:23
Handling the work pressure at home and work day in and day out? No doubt you will definitely be stressed out working to the 11th hour, every day... but, many researchers say, handling a pressure…
Read MoreA key for a happy life... December 12, 2012 19:42
Happiness may have different meanings to different people. But no matter how we define happiness, our individual passions and life experiences contribute in making each one of us happy. Certainly, the secrets on how to live a happy life depends on how we deal with all the factors that play an important role in achieving the level of happiness we want for ourselves. For you to know how to live a happy life, you should know first the difference between what is right and what is wrong. Then, you have to decide to do things the right way. You will also experience happiness if you know how to be grateful in everything that you receive and in all the things that other people do for you. One way of maintaining your happiness is by remembering how you were as a kid. Being kind is another useful tip on how to live a happy life. All acts of kindness is contagious as it also increases our desire to perform good acts. Committing ourselves to be kind to others as well as to ourselves brings a new height of joy and enthusiasm to us. Other suggestions on how to live a happy life include having an abundant social life by spending time with friends and making new ones, taking enough time to rest after a hard day at work or in school, and pursuing your goals for your personal life, relationships, or with your profession. Actually, the main secret on how to live a happy life is to do things that can really make you happy and feel satisfied. But it's not as easy as it sound, especially when disappointments come your way. Disappointments can be avoided when you set realistic deadlines for your well-planned goals and you work for it. If you do the things that can make you happy, make the same efforts also to avoid doing the things that can make you unhappy. Having a positive attitude and perspective towards life itself is also a great way of living a happy life. Your positive attitude will allow you to do the activities that you really enjoy and have passion for. Being positive will also make you stronger in overcoming the many obstacles that will come your way as you strive harder in achieving your main goal of living a great and successful life.
Read MoreBad temper? Control it... December 10, 2012 18:56
When was the last time you lost control over your temper? You scream/be silent/through all the available things in your reach/argue or just walk out when you lose your temper? But, why do you lose your temper? Why should anything or person make you lose your cool self? What if you can start working on controlling your bad temper for your better living... here are some tips; Of course you are a human being and no exception to all the emotions and feelings and so is in the case of losing your temper... but your bad temper is not only a hurdle to you, but to people around you... so, unlike all other emotions, don't stick on letting out your anger... As soon as you lose your temper, just leave whatever you are doing right there... Even if you are losing the temper while in a conversation with your loved one or even at the professional front with your colleague or boss, just ask for some time to just think about the situation and cut the conversation for that moment... this way, you need not lose your tongue and your temper as well. In most of the cases, you lose your cool self in the process of proving your thought process or what you have said to be right... but, remember, every time it is not necessary to prove yourself right, even you are correct... just let somebody win at the cost of your calm self... ultimately you know what is right at that particular situation. No matter what your personality trait may be, inculcate the habit of letting things go the way they are when you see them being out of your control. this way, you can definitely develop good amount of peace of mind and anger ka toh sawaal hi nahin... Of course you have decided to do or not to do something at some particular time... if the things are not turning as you wish, it is better to wait for the right time and have patience rather than losing your temper that can bring you nothing... not even the tasks you have planned will be completing on time. Your all these years of life that is filled with good/bad experiences... your ability of judging people and situations and your overall maturity that could be because of your knowledge about the World today, your education adding on to it, would matter nothing in front of your bad temper... now, it is up to you to choose all these or Bad temper...
Read MoreChange is essential for better living December 06, 2012 11:13
Sony was completely disappointed when her husband left her for another woman and has taken the route of drinking and smoking when she was 30. It went to an extent that she had problems managing her money and debt. Keeping aside the problems she faced due to the shortfall of money and debts, she even started having ill health. She thought that everything in life is over. And just then, being smart and intelligent her sub consciousness gave her a spark in her saying that she had been wasting her life for someone who doesn’t deserve any of it. She then had decided to take it the right way and had planned for her dream vacation of trekking through the hills of Araku. Might sound a bit adventurous but she had decided to go for it. She then decided to quit smoking and boozing preparing herself physically for the trip and started to exercise regularly to stay fit. Now, she is all fit, settled, bought a home and is a happy woman. Good old-fashioned willpower won't get you very far. According to the latest studies, the brain clings to old routines - they're easy and conserve our decision-making neurons so we can save them for problem-solving at work or figuring out what to wear in the morning. Habits become encoded - everything from brushing your teeth in the morning to buying a new pair of shoes you don't need to falling for the wrong guy over and over. We do them without thinking. "Without our habits, our brains would be overwhelmed with details," The trick for a better and happy living is to replace a bad behavior with a better one.
Read Morea technique for a 'complete' day... December 03, 2012 12:50
Is your work incomplete by the end of every day? Does this make you yourself feel incomplete? Why living in this state of mind? Here are some quick tips, that could help you plan your day, right; Sounds childish, but best way to remember what are your tasks and work to be done is to write it down... this is out of my personal experience... I have seen, biggest of the managers writing down their meetings and day to day workflow on a piece of paper and sticking it on their PC's monitor... after all, we all are human beings... it is a tendency to forget... rather than remembering things at the last moment and finishing then in a hurry or leaving them incomplete, write them down, plan and finish the work on time. Its not about only working hard all the time, it is also about working smart... just don't do whatever work comes to you... analyse and prioritize your work first and complete it accordingly... this way, not only your work but your working style will also be appreciated. Your life is a package of work and home, so is your day... you can't end up spending your entire day at work, reaching home only to sleep and freshen up... every day can't be an emergency at work... remember, you can work better, only when your happier at your personal front... so devote equal time to your personal and professional work... If you feel you cannot take up that particular task or the job allotted is additional to you, never hesitate in saying 'no' and explaining the reason for your rejection to your boss... it is better to say 'no', rather than saying 'yes', taking up the work and failing to complete it right, on time. Every day cannot be the best... every task you do cannot be the best... it is okay to be a failure at times... just don't think too much, but learn something out of every failure, be it however small... After all, life and work is all about learning and moving on...
Read MoreDeva Diwali celebrated with much pomp November 28, 2012 10:30
On the eve of Kartheek Pournami today, temples across the state are decorated with flowers. A large number of people are flocking to temples for taking holy dip in the rivers and then having glimpse of Lord Shiva. Considered as the most liked day by Lord Shiva (the destroyer), Kartheek Pournami is dedicated to him. Kartheek Pournami is also called Deva Diwali (the festival of lights of Gods). On this full moon day, people who practice Sanatana Dharma (law of universe), visit temples early in the morning and perform abhishekas to Lord Shiva. Some even perform Satyanarayana Swamy Wratham on this auspicious day. It has been believed that Gods, on this day, come down to earth and reside in the sacred rivers. Therefore, a holy dip in sacred rivers on this day is considered as meritorious. Legend: The legend has it that a demon named Tripurasura created three cities in space after he conquered heavens. Lord Shiva was then believed to have destroyed these three cities and demons with single arrow. Further, Karthik Purnami was considered as the birth of first reincarnation (Matsya Avatar) of Lord Vishnu). (AW Phani)
Read Morelive life 'King size'! November 27, 2012 17:39
Wouldn't it be great if there were a simple set of instructions for living a happy and fulfilled life? How about an instruction manual for life? Something along the lines of "Enjoy childhood, Explore young adulthood, Engage in a rewarding career, and Enjoy life." Far too many of us are always over analyzing and looking for the most complicated way of doing things in life. Sometimes life was meant to be simple-a walk through the park, a simple yes or no answer, or a quiet evening with the family. Don't try and clutter your life with unnecessary decisions by making everything complicated and complex. Keep it simple! How many times have you heard someone say, "If only I had a few more dollars I'd..." or "If I just had another day off I could…."? Many people don't know how to be satisfied with what life gives them. They are so busy wanting more that they squander what life has already given them. You've heard it before, and you'll hear it here again-it only takes a few muscles to smile! You would be surprised at how well being cheerful to others can spread like wildfire. We live in a society where it seems that glumness is the rule of order. A simple smile or kind word can spread through our culture like wildfire-not only will you feel better, but those who interact with you will feel better! Is it really your concern what the guy across the street wants to do with his life or who he wants to share his life with? Learn to live your life to the fullest and let others live their life to the fullest. None of us is above anyone else, and none of us should think we should be allowed to dictate how another person should live their life. Here is a secret: it's ok to be a little goofy now and then! You only get one shot at this life, so make the most of it. Have some fun and show your children and those around you that you know how to have fun. You aren't the greatest gift to mankind this world has ever had-so don't act like it! You may find you add years to your life, not to mention a ton of laughter! Laugh, joke, and now and then pick up a cream pie and throw it! Laughter has been shown to help people live longer, reduce their blood pressure, and help them relate to people from around the world. You will make mistakes-in fact, you will make so many mistakes you will never be able to list them all. Learn that mistakes happen and the best thing you can do is to learn from them. Don't spend your entire life dwelling on a mistake you made years ago-learn from it and move on. The world isn't going to wait while you live in the past. After all, life is too simple to be complicated!
Read MoreAre you eating these for your health??? November 26, 2012 13:00
The term 'good food' may differ to you and me... but, there are some foods that are common and needed to be taken on a regular basis as a part of your meal, for a healthy YOU; Blueberries have more antioxidants-those magical molecules that can help prevent a host of maladies-than 40 other common fruits and vegetables tested. The antioxidant plant pigments that make blueberries blue guard against heart disease, cancer and age-related blindness and memory loss. They're also tops when it comes to preventing urinary tract infections, thanks to antioxidant epicatechins, which keep bacteria from sticking to bladder walls. Garlic has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. Most of its disease-fighting potential comes from its sulfur compounds, which act as antioxidants, providing many of its cardiovascular benefits. Just six or more cloves of garlic a week can slash your risk of colorectal, stomach and prostate cancer in half compared to eating one clove a week or less. Pres an olive and you get one of the healthiest fats in the world. The main benefit of olive oil is that it lowers "bad" LDL cholesterol and raises "good" HDL cholesterol, thanks to its mono saturated fats. Olive oil is also packed with antioxidants called phenols, which may protect artery walls from cholesterol buildup. Consider broccoli your number one cancer fighter, thanks to its sulfur compounds, such as sulforaphane, which you can smell as broccoli cooks. These compounds signal our genes to boost production of enzymes that detoxify potentially cancer-causing compounds. Eat more broccolis and you could slash your risk of everything from breast and lung cancer to stomach and colon cancer. Yogurt is a great source of bone-building calcium, but its real strength lies in live beneficial bacteria, know as probiotics, that keep down the growth of harmful bacteria in your gut. Eating more yogurt could help with inflammatory bowel disease, ulcers, urinary tract infections and vaginal yeast infections.
Read MoreLast chance before ending your marriage... November 24, 2012 12:07
Adjusting, compromising, showering love time and trust in the relationship, not letting 'ego' come in your relationship, you might have tried everything for a happy marriage... but, try even these before taking that big step of ending your marriage, in the room of Court... Counseling The first step you have to take when your marriage is on the verge of divorce is to seek help from a marriage counselor. This is because when two people are not able to make a marriage work, involving a third party can help in solving the marital problems. The counselor will help you and your spouse to chalk out the positive reasons to avoid divorce. Apart from marriage counseling, you can also consult your religious pastor who can also prevent the chances of divorce. Moreover, there are several self help books, DVDs, marriage training courses, etc. which can be surely helpful to save one's marriage. Getting help from outsiders can help in sorting out issues between you and your spouse and eventually preventing divorce. Open Communication One of the most common reasons for couples to end their marriage is very less or lack of communication. In today's world, when both the husband as well as the wife are busy with their work, communicating and spending time with each other takes a back seat. Sometimes, people start taking each other for granted and all this can cause frustration which is one of the main reasons for people to think of divorcing their spouses. Hence, bringing open communication into the marriage is one of the crucial steps to avoid divorce. Listen to your partner views and opinions and try to understand it by putting yourself in his or her shoes. When you begin to empathize with your partner, he/she will also try to understand you which will help both of you to stay happy. Bring Back Romance Romance is one of the most important factors that makes the marriage going. However, our busy schedule and routines, make it take a back seat. A few years down the line, most couples are only left with conversations about their children, house, finances, etc. This can make the relationship quite boring and hence, it is important to spice up things and add zing to the relationship. Though going to a second honeymoon does sound a good way of spicing up your married life, it is not the only romantic thing that you can do for your spouse. Giving gifts without any reason, small gesture of love, genuinely appreciating and praising the other, etc, can do wonders to a relationship.
Read MoreMorning Sickness in the first half of Pregnancy! November 23, 2012 17:13
In the first half of pregnancy, feeling sick or nauseated is quite common, as is vomiting. The degree of nausea and vomiting differs from woman to woman. You may just feel a little sick in the morning and throw up once, or your may suffer from constant nausea and frequent vomiting throughout the day. For most women, the nausea stops after the first three months of pregnancy. For a few, however, it is still a problem after four or five months.What causes nausea during pregnancy? The actual causes of nausea and vomiting are still not known. It is probably brought about by the hormonal changes taking place or by an imbalance in blood sugar. Many midwives and doctors believe that morning sickness is more common in women carrying twins or triplets, but it is not clear whether this is the case. Symptoms of dehydration Dizziness. Thirst. Passing a smaller amount of urine than usual or none at all. Passing dark urine. The presence of ketones in your urine. Your midwife or GP can easily test this. Is it dangerous? If you vomit heavily and often when pregnant, you will lose so much liquid (together with nutrition and minerals) that it causes dehydration. If you are dehydrated and can't keep liquids down, the condition is called hyperemesis gravidarum and requires medical attention. This usually involves hospital admission and being given fluids through a drip. How can I avoid nausea? In the morning Take your time getting out of bed. If you tend to feel really sick in the morning, eat a little as soon as you wake up and before getting out of bed. Ask your partner to bring the food to you, or prepare a snack the night before and leave it beside your bed. Throughout the day Eat little and often, every two or three hours - even if you're not hungry. Drink a lot of liquid, preferably 10 to 12 glasses of water, fruit juice or herbal tea each day. Avoid food containing a lot of fat or spices. Avoid alcohol and caffeine. Eat dry crackers, toasted bread or rusks. Ginger tea or ginger tablets can help reduce nausea. Rest several times a day. Lie down with a pillow under your head and legs. Move slowly and avoid sudden movements. After eating, sit down so that gravity helps to keep the food in your stomach. Avoid smells that make you feel sick or throw up. Don't brush your teeth immediately after eating because this can cause vomiting. Get some fresh air and exercise by going for a little walk every day. Avoid smoking. Not only is it harmful for you and your child, it also diminishes your appetite. At night Before going to bed, it may help to eat a snack such as a yoghurt, bread, milk, cereal or a sandwich. If you wake up during the night, eating a small snack may stop you feeling sick in the morning. Sleep with the windows open to get some fresh air, if possible.
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