Rashtriya Lok Dal [RLD leader and former Aviation minister Ajit Singh on Friday vacated the government bungalow that was alloted to him during the UPA 2 regime. Ajit Singh lost the May elections and refused to vacate the bungalow on 12, Tughlaq Road despite repeated reminders from the NDA government.
The Union urban development [UD] ministry disconnected power and water supply to the bungalow recently and so Ajit Singh brought up the demand to converted bungalow into a memorial for his father, former prime minister Chaudhary Charan Singh, who had lived there. RLD supporters had recently agitated over this and threatened to cut water supply to Delhi over the decision to evict Singh from the house.
Ajit Singh vacated the house after 118 days of unauthorised occupation.
(AW: Vamshi)