The Rashtrapathi Bhavan on Wednesday has announced Bharat Ratna, the highest Civilian award to former Prime Minister of the nation, Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya (posthumously). The announcement came a day before Vajpayee's 90th birthday and also the 153rd birth anniversary of Pandit Malviya.
BJP has been pitching Bharat Ratna for Vajpayee since very long time. They even appealed to the Congress led UPA government but the matter was overlooked. BJP during the election campaign, said it would grant Bharat Ratna to Vajpayee if voted to power and kept its word accordingly. Mr. Vajpayee will be the seventh Prime Minister to receive Bharat Ratna while Pandit Malaviya is the 12th person to be honoured posthumously.
Many political parties have welcomed this decision while Congress remained silent. After the announcement was made Prime Minister Narendra Modi wrote in his micro blogging account praising both the eminent personalities.
“Atal ji means so much to everyone.A guide, inspiration & giant among giants. His contribution to India is invaluable. Pt. Madan Mohan Malaviya is remembered as a phenomenal scholar & freedom fighter who lit the spark of national consciousness among people,” tweeted Modi.