Aam Admi Party (AAP) has been the talk of the country after the victory in New Delhi Assembly elections. It’s Chief Aravind Kejriwal has been busy constructing the party to lead the government in his style. There has been a huge drama in AAP yesterday and Kejriwal even announced that he has been resigning from services from the Board Chairman of Political Affairs Committee. After the AAP leaders met in the evening for a meeting there has been many turns in the drama. AAP announced that it has ousted two top leaders of their party Prashant Bhushan and Yogendra Yadav from the Political Affairs Committee (PAC).
The party’s spokesman made an official announcement regarding this after a six-hour meeting of the AAP leaders came to an end. It has been announced that AAP will be a united force and is just working for the people and not for personal benefits. The nine member PAC is the powerful body of AAP which has been formed in 2012 and stormed to power in Delhi in the Assembly elections by sweeping 67 seats out of 70. Prashant Bhushan announced that he will work for the welfare of the people and AAP even if he is not a part of PAC.