The opposition parties are now demanding Kiran sarkar to immediately sack home minister Sabitha Indra Reddy for her alleged role in Jaganmohan Reddy's illegal assets case. While BJP demanded to sack her, TDP demanded Sabitha to tender her resignation with immediate effect. The party even warned of state wide protests in case she continues as home minister. These demands came in the wake of CBI including Sabitha Indra Reddy as accused number four (A4) in the fifth chargesheet it filed in Jaganmohan Reddy's illegal assets case.
Another TDP leader Payyavula Keshav has said that although Sabitha Indra Reddy managed to escape in Obulapuram mining case, she was finally caught in Dalmia irregularities. In its fifth chargesheet submitted yesterday by CBI, it was mentioned that Dalmia Cements invested in Jaganmohan Reddy's Jagati Publications as it got benefits from the then Government run by YS Rajashekara Reddy.
All in all, it looks like chief minister Kiran Kumar Reddy will accept Sabitha Indra Reddy's resignation in order to ensure that Congress party doesn't under criticism. Also, it is known that the accused number one in this case is Jagan (chief of YSRC and anti-Congress) and accused number four is Sabitha (Congress person). The observers were of the opinion that Congress high command might even ask Sabitha to resign to Congress party.
(AW Phani)