With CBI filing chargesheet against the home minister Sabitha Indra Reddy alleging her role in quid pro quo/Jaganmohan Reddy's illegal assets case under various sections of the Indian Penal Code including 420 (cheating case), the home minister has decided to tender her resignation to her post with immediate effect. Therefore, she reportedly penned down a resignation letter and sent it to the chief minister Kiran Kumar Reddy. However, another version of media report indicates that she has just decided to resign but was asked to think and take the decision.
Last night when the news that Sabitha decided to step down reached Botsa, he rushed to meet her and held elaborate talks with her. After the discussion, Botsa came out and spoke to the media. As Botsa was addressing the media, Sabitha Indra Reddy walked out of gate without talking to the media. Botsa Satyanarayana has said that he asked Sabitha Indra Reddy to think and not take any speedy decisions.
When the media asked Botsa Satyanarayana if Sabitha Indra Reddy has changed her decision and taken back her resignation, Botsa choose not to respond. It may be noted that CBI in its 62-page fifth chargesheet filed in illegal assets case included Sabitha Indra Reddy as accused number 04/A4. In this case, Jaganmohan Reddy is AI, Vijayasai Reddy is A2, Dalmia is A3, Sabitha is A4 and former IAS officer Srilakshmi is A5.
Now that CBI named Sabitha as A4, is it going to take her into their custody has become a big debate now as A5 Srilakshmi (although on bail now) was arrested long back in connection with the same case.
(AW Phani)