After getting discharged from the hospital following his deteriorated health from hunger strike at Delhi, he held a media conference at his residence in Hyderabad today in which he clarified that he went on the hunger strike only to bring the issue of the State to the national level. After thanking all his supporters during the hunger strike, he talked on National and State issues.
He said one can easily imagine the direction in which the country is going from the way the important files related to coal scam are missing and not traceable in which the Prime Minister is fully involved. He estimated the corruption in the country after UPA Government came to the rule as 15 lakhs crores of rupees.
He questioned why Manmohan Singh and Chidambaram are not making efforts to bring back to India the black money lying in Swiss banks.
He said Sonia is making the scripts and Digvijay is the postman who delivers them to KCR and Jagan. He reminded that the officers under his ruling have climbed heights by promotions where as the officers in the regime of YSR are going to jails.
He said that the Congress party is cutting its own legs strengthening TRS and YSRCP. He complained that Digvijay Singh is making unrelated statements every day changing them in a confusing way.
Chandrababu said that the Telugu people are disrespected by the Government for the sake of political gain.
He also called Delhi as a brokers’ paradise!