Dharmana Prasada Rao had been having a lot of visitors starting last night. The latest of the set include ministers Erasu Pratapa Reddy, and Vatti Vasanta Kumar. The visits have increased in the numbers since it is understood that Dharmana Prasada Rao has quit the ministry after being indicated in the CBI as a suspect in the disproportionate assets case along with Sabitha Indrareddy.
However, he still continues to defend his stance saying that he was merely trapped in this case and was a scapegoat since he was their easy target to blame. Neverthless he pledged to stick to the orders of the High Command and will serve the party without any hiatus.
Sabitha Indra Reddy also has been visited by several ministers. Her resignation which was not accepted by CM according to sources on Sunday, was later submitted today reportedly. Meanwhile, the ministers both met at Sabita Indira Reddy's residence today morning while they assured her that they would continue to support her.
(AW- Anil)