CBI asking the judicial custody of former Ministers Sabita Indra Reddy and Dharmana Prasada Rao was asked by them to produce full version of the video recording of their statements to the media after watching of which they will start their defense.
CBI submitted a video clipping downloaded from U Tube showing the comments of Sabita and Dharmana in which they told the media that there was no fault of them and as such they would come out clean within a short time.
The investigating agency claims that that type of statements will mar their investigation and as such their judicial custody should be ordered so that they will not make any such statements in future that make problems in the investigation.
The charge sheeted former Ministers in the case of YS Jagan's disproportionate assets demanded a full unedited version of the video recording.
The Court adjourned the hearing to 25th to take a decision on the issue whether a demand of a full version of the video clipping to be allowed or not. In the same statements made to the media they both asked the media persons to refrain from calling them 'tainted'.