TDP supremo Chandrababu Naidu's padayatra-Vastunna Meekosam has entered its second day in Karimnagar. Babu is going to resume today's yatra from Garripally. He is expected to end his today's padayatra at Raikal. Chandrababu Naidu is scheduled to cover at least nine kilometres today.
A large number of people have been welcoming Chandrababu's padayatra. Babu earlier said he developed Karimnagar district more than his own place. Looking at the response of Chandrababu, observers said Babu is most likely to come to power.
Chandrababu started his padayatra from Anatapur district on October 2. So far he covered Anantapur, Kurnool, Mahabubnagar, Rangareddy, Medak, Nizamabad and Adilabad district and finally entered Karimnagar.
(AW Phani)