The beach area in Vishakapatnam has been decorated beautifully as it's going to host TDP's mega event, Vastunna Meekosam padayatra's concluding ceremony. TDP leader and Tollywood actor Balakrishna has already reached Vishakapatnam to take part in the concluding ceremony. Actor Tarakaratna and others have accompanied Balakrishna. Also, several TDP leaders are flocking to Vishakapatnam for taking part in padayatra.
To ensure that TDP activists face no convenience, as many as 11 special trains have been shuttling between Vishakapatnam and different stations in the state. TDP supremo Chandrababu is expected to unveil NTR's statue at around 3 pm today after which Vastunna Meekosam's concluding ceremony will kick off.
It has to be mentioned here that Chandrababu Naidu started Vastunna Meekosam padayatra on October 2, 2012 and covered all the districts on foot. His padayatra created a new chapter in the history of Andhra Pradesh politics.
(AW Phani)