The maximum use of Nara Lokesh's photos in banners set up by TDP in Vishakpatnam to promote the concluding ceremony of Vastunna Meekosam walkathon seems to be rubbing salts in the wounds of Harikrishna and his son young NTR. The sources have already mentioned that young NTR refrained from party activities apparently over the maximum limelight Nara Lokesh enjoyed. And now, it seems to be the only reason over the absence of Harikrishna and NTR to today's concluding ceremony. Worst part, as per observers, being no photos of Harikrishna and NTR in the banners.
While Balakrishna and Tarakaratna already reached the venue, Harikrishna remained himself off the picture citing bad health. And young NTR apparently stayed away for obvious reasons! Although it was never mentioned officially anywhere that Harikrishna and NTR choose not to attend over low importance given to them, talk of the town states the duo were upset to the core. Whatever it is, NTR refraining from concluding ceremony would certainly be a blow to the party as young NTR is hysteric fan of legendary NTR, who formed Telugu Desam Party!
(AW Phani)