Congress MLA Komatireddy Venkat Reddy, who earlier resigned to his ministry post in support of statehood for Telangana, made sensational statements yet another time. While Centre has been dilly dallying and buying time on Telangana to ensure that party's future doesn't go a toss in any region, as per the sources, many leaders are giving ultimatum to the centre on the statement. After many leaders from outside Congress, now party's own legislator is giving an ultimatum.
Komatireddy Venkat Reddy has said that he would step down as a legislator in case Centre doesn't make a clear statement on Telangana by this December 9. It may be noted that Centre in 2009 on the same day made a statement assuring that process of Telangana state would be initiated by moving appropriate resolution, the sudden division in the political parties made the Centre to put the issue on hold.
While many Congress leaders from Telangana are reportedly assuring that their madam Sonia won't take back the gift which she gave on the eve of her birthday, Komatireddy's ultimatum is apparently making their party members awestruck. In fact, he even asked other Congress legislators to resign as MLAs in case a statement doesn't come on Telagnana formation by December 9. In the wake of these statements, one has to wait and watch as to how Congress high command would react initially.
(AW Phani)