The state Home Minister Sabitha Indra Reddy on Sunday annouced at press meet. The home Minister ascertained that earlier in the OMC mining case she was summoned by the CBI. Answering all their queries made the CBI give her a clean chit in that case. At the moment she is prepared to answer the investigating agency if required in the Jagan disproportionate assets case.
The Congress leader also analysed the recent debacle of the party in the byelections was due to some momentary reasons. She said the voting was not done on the party policies or party feelings but was done in favour of present situations. She also affirmed that the party will win the 2014 general elections with ease.
Rising hopes to the unemployed the home minister said that across the state more 20,000 cadets would be recruited in the police department. Further adding that the appointment will be done fairly leaving no room for any discrepancies. (With inputs from internet-AarKay)