Southwest monsoon has finally touched Andhra Pradesh to bring smiles on the faces of scores. The state, which witnessed worst heat in the last two months with elevated mercury levels, is now happy. In the capital city Hyderabad, overcast weather was noticed. People were coming out of their offices only for enjoying the cool breeze in the afternoons.
The meteorological department in Vishakapatnam has said that the monsoons entered Rayalaseema region, which is close by to Bangalore. From Karnataka, the southwest monsoon entered the state. The officials at meteorological department have said that it would take another 48 hours for monsoon to spread across the state.
The temparatures in several parts of AP touched above 45 degree Celcius and in Hyderabad it was above 40 degree Celcius for the past few days. Although ice cream and cold drinks were available to beat the heat, people had a real tough time in the state with as all alternatives to beat the heat fell flat before the summer heat.
Now, the state is going to witness a huge rainfall!