Home Minister Sabitha Indra Reddy today asked all pro-Telangana groups, parties and individuals not to obstruct the SI examinations being held for two days from tomorrow and warned that security forces would not keep quiet if impediments are caused to the examinations.
Addressing a media conference in Hyderabad this afternoon, Sabitha said that a four-tier security cordon has been thrown around the BHEL complex, the venue of the examinations and nearly 4000 security men would be on guard to ensure the smooth conduct of the examinations.
“People trying to stop the examinations will therefore face serious consequences and only Telangana candidates and students would lose,” she warned.
The Telangana students’ JAC warned that it would organize bandh for two days from tomorrow and try to obstruct the examinations if orders for the removal of the 14 F clause are not issued by the President before this evening.
However, the Presidential Secretariat issued a notification today removing the 14 F clause and now the government hopes the T groups would not object to the conduct of the examinations. The examinations are being held in Hyderabad, Karimnagar and Medak along with some other cities and towns.