IAS officer Y. Srilakshmi, who was questioned twice on Sunday by the CBI, reportedly informed her interrogators that Home Minister Sabitha Indra Reddy and IAS officer MGVK Bhanu pressurized her to clear the files of Gali Janardhan reddy.
“I was never allowed to read the files properly by the then mines minister Sabitha Indra reddy and Bhanu who was the special secretary in the CMO. I was under heavy pressure to clear them almost the same day when the files came to me,” she was said to have stated before the CBI.
She was almost into tears and told the CBI she faced harassment from Bhanu and Sabitha Indra Reddy on the Gali files and she was forced to send them immediately without even properly looking into the files.
When the CBI officials questioned Bhanu on this, Bhanu denied any pressure on her and said he never handled mines matters in his stint in the CMO. He also denied any acquaintance with Rajagopal, another accused in the case.
Mining business man Sasikuamr and Srilakshmi were made to sit side by side during the questioning on Sunday. When Sasikumar said Srilakshmi had demanded Rs.3 Cr bribe for clearing his files, she confronted him on the allegation.
“One of your PAs asked for Rs.1 Cr and your second PA asked for Rs.2 Cr. Did they ask without your permission?” Sasikumar asked her in the presence of CBI officials.