In the wake of the Telangana political JAC’s Rail Roko agitation tomorrow, the railway authorities have asked passengers to note that train services between Secunderabad and Kazipet, Wadi and Secunderabad, Vikarabad and Parli, Nadikude and Bibinagar, Mudkhed and Secunderabad, Vijayawada and Kazipet and between Dhone and Secunderabad are likely to be delayed, cancelled or diverted on Thursday.
The JAC has planned a rail blockade earlier on July 8-9 but has postponed it at the eleventh hour to enable the congress and TDP leaders to participate in the agitation. However, the congress and the TDP decided not to join the agitation led by the JAC.
The development forced the JAC to go it alone on the rail roko which is being supported by the BJP and TRS and some other Telangana based organizations.