PCC chief Botsa Satyanarayana today directed the congress leaders of the Seema Andhra region not to make any comments on the threat of resignations given by the congress MPs, MLCs and MLAs of the Telangana region.
Speaking to media persons after meeting the T congress leaders at Gandhi Bhavan, he said no one should find fault with the decision of the Telangana congress leaders to quit their posts. “I don’t think they have taken this decision in a hurry,” he said.
“The circumstances of pressure politics and unfavorable political developments have forced them to decide in favour of resignations,” he said indirectly supporting their decision. He however said he had suggested to them not to precipitate matters on the issue but meet party president Sonia Gandhi who is the ultimate deciding authority on Telangana.
“I told them that the party will take a decision acceptable to the people of all regions of the state,” Botsa revealed and added the T congress leaders were not in a mood to listen.