Corruption in politics is not unknown. Mismanagement and misappropriation of funds is not unknown, using power and authority to seize lands is not unknown but the ones who are punished are not the major minds behind these. The ones who are exposed are not the "mighty" leaders? Why?
In one related case, Ganta Srinivasa Rao, the owner of Pratyusha Shipping Company has used his power to his advantage while unlawfully gaining the ownership of one acre of land with the survey numbers 170/2, 170/2b, 183/2, Maharani Peta dandu bazaar, in the heart of Visakhapatnam. The land which belongs to the district library is worth over Rs 50 crores.
This land was available for lease since April 22, 2007 under the BOT, Build operate transfer, scheme for the development of the lands. However, State Library Department Director wrote a letter to Rajyalakshmi asking her not to lease the valuable land to business development since it is not appropriate. But in nations like India where the power of political pressure supercedes all others, the final lease period under Public Private Partnership (PPP) basis for a long tenure of 33 years. This all was allowed after the director was supressed with influence by Konatala Ramakrishna and the back end work by Ganta Srinivasa Rao. The deal for Pratyusha Shipping Companies starting on 15th Feb 2010, ended on 20th September 2012.
Since the company, as agreed, failed to finish the construction activity on time, a fine of Rs 35 lakhs was levied for the seven months to be paid to the Libraries Department. But since the owner is a minister, fines are naturally defaulted. The same ministerial power also dictates that the contract cannot be voided. Capitalizing on the same, Pratyusha company came forward with the proposal of extension of the contract further. The Library department which takes care of the welfare of the libraries in Visakhapatnam and the lands belonging to them has urged the government through letters to prevent the deal from materializing but to no avail.
Why can't "all are equal under the eye of law" prevail in India? What about the genuinely hardworking organizations striving for development of the nation? If such corrupt organizations spring everywhere in the nation, where will the nation be few years down the line? The media which exposes such news is not entirely right in its duties too. They are also being influenced and biased to certain parties. They always expose those who have no major influence. Media needs to expose everyone corrupt politician without any discrimination. If PRESS is so responsible in every one's case not just with few people-scams such as VanPIC, Bayyaram, Brahmini steals wouldn't have happened. Essentially media is over-projecting the news.They were quiet when tens of thousands of Crores were looted by major politicians, they only superficially mentioned the issues to pretend as if they are responsible journalists.
We need leaders like JD Lakshminarayana, the CBI Director who managed to point out and put big names in politics behind bars for neglecting the law and abusing power.
The freedom of press should be used to the nation's benefit.
(AW- Anil)