King Khan of Bollywood Shahrukh Khan has emerged as IPL King in the fifth season of Indian Premier League. The Superstar, owns the Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) that bulldozed Chennai Super Kings (CSK) in the final match in the fifth season of IPL to mark a new era. In spite of many controversies irking the Badshah, he had the last smile and it was heartfelt, at the M A Chidambaram Stadium in Chennai. KKR beat CSK by six wickets in the IPL 5 final.
Shahrukh was all smiles on the victory and went head over heels in excitement. Some remarkable gestures were taken from a media source for reader enrichment.
In fact he had apologized for smoking in public in Rajasthan. Later he was involved in a verbal duel in Mumbai and had apologized for that also. After all this, it was King Khan, who had the last grin in the IPL 5. His appointment of Gautam Gambhir as captain paid off well. King Khan is the now King IPL. (With Inputs from Internet- Aarkay)