Prime Minister Narendra Modi will reshuffle cabinet after the completion of Monsoon Parliament sessions. Though a final decision is yet to be taken on this, Modi and BJP leadership have already discussed the probabilities of cabinet reshuffle. In this reshuffle, Rural and Panchayati raj ministry will be filled which was lying vacant after the death of minister Gopinath Munde.
Modi wants to less the burden on Home Minister Rajnath Singh and Finance Minister Arun Jaitley. Specially on Jaitley who currently holds the charge of finance, defence, corporate affairs, oversight of economic ministries and also functions as Leader of the House in Rajya Sabha. Sources revealed that cabinet reshuffle will take place only after August 14th.
According to Modi, he wants to induct more young and experienced in the ministry post and would also consider leaders who worked with former PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee. BJP leadership accepted that, Modi's cabinet strength is not par and need more to maintain healthy relation between Centre-state. As this news got spread to MPs of BJP, many lined to meet Modi and requested him to induct them in the cabinet. The allies parties are also luring Modi and it will be one big task.
(AW: Vamshi)