Aam Aadmi Party supremo and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has decided to contest in upcoming Lok Sabha elections and so he is likely to resign to his post. Target of attaining national status to AAP, Kejriwal decided to move out of Delhi and will tour all the states in country as part of campaign for the General Elections.
Kejriwal's close aide and number two in Aam Aadmi Party Manish Sisodia could crown the Chief Minister post if at all Kejriwal steps down. But the magic number to prove majority will become a headache as AAP will be one short of majority. As AAP MLA Vinod Kumar Binny is away from the party, the total AAP floor number is 27 and with support of Congress, JD (U) it is 36. And if Kejriwal resigns, the tally will be 35.
However, AAP insiders say that they are ready for fresh polls and this time they are confident of getting complete majority to form government. Meanwhile, Kejriwal is considering to contest from Delhi Lok Sabha constituency. AAP is also estimating that it could end up as the third largest party in the next Lok Sabha, possibly even the second-largest.